chapter 64- coming home Part 2

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We reached our airport.
Watching as the sheep bitten Grass below us waved messily, stiff and straw-like. I had Boris, who was out cold. Head on my shoulder. Which caused me to stay perfectly still. Knowing that I'm going have to wake him in a few though I didn't want too.
I poked his shoulder, causing an immediate yawn and stretch in response. Knowing it was time to get off.
I got off the plane, watching as my feet struck the warm earth below me. Boris was tired and his movements were slower and more stiff.
We linked arms. Me, being the one who can walk fast helped him through the airport and too that... Poorly lit, orange tinted, spooky car parking lot.
I never liked it there, ever since I was a kid. It gave me a weird drug deal... sketchy kinda vibe. Boris smacked his lips tiredly.
He looked up at me, knowing I was about to sign something so I raised my hands. "Can you drive hon?, or do you need to sit for a minute?"
Boris shook the curls out of his face, finishing putting the luggage in the trunk of the car. "I can drive." He responded quickly. I gave him a firm nod and bumped one of the suitcases in the trunk with my knee before closing the trunk.
We made it in the car and closed the door. The lights flickered a little, causing me to jump. Boris looked at me, twirling the keys throughout his fingers. "Don't like this place, eh?" He finally signed. I gave him a slow nod with wide eyes. He nodded back.
I just couldn't wait to get back to our home, in our bed, with our stuff. Just to be away from other people.
To not walk out of your room too see the always expected sight of couples fighting or a drunk person. Which always made me scoot myself closer to Boris. He felt like a suit of armor to me, he made me feel protected and loved.
The thought of being home, cuddled up watching a movie next to Boris, and not having to think about all those diseases that could be in the bed sheets, drugged me. It was addicting... and I wanted it.
My leg bouncing as I watched Boris bob his head to a tune on the radio.
We only had thirty minutes left that went by like hours, Making me almost insane. Tapping my foot and watching carefully at the GPS as it counted down the expected minutes.
We arrived. Getting out of the car and feeling the cold, scratchy throat, air of winter fill our lungs. "We'll do this luggage stuff tomorrow... Okay?" He asked me. I nodded. Obviously wanting it. He smiled at me, which I reflected. We opened the door for the first time in what felt like forever.
The scent of our home, pine and lemongrass. Hit me fast. Making me smile and recognize the obvious scent, it felt like home. It was home.
Sleep is what we both wanted, Flopping down on our bed. Craving attention from one another.
Moving closer towards each other. Knowing we'd probably nor get out of this bed 'til morning, Boris had work, which obviously sucked.
I couldn't see the tv well, I could see the top of the screen but I was too into cuddling that I didn't care. Plus it would probably my eyes hurt anyways.
Boris had turned out the lights. Making it dark. Though it was only around '7 it was darker than midnight.
We couldn't see each other. I could see his half lit up face. Exactly Like the moon on certain days.
But I didn't care. I'm guessing he didn't either. I pulled his body (which lay semi-propped up on the headboard.) down into the covers. Which he accepted. Though he turned to make sure he could face me. Knowing that I wanted attention and love. The AC was on and the room was a perfect example of what our freezer temperature was,
He booped me on the nose.
Moving those few strands of thin hair out of my face, though I had no idea how he knew there was hair in my face. Lightly Kissing my nose.
I guess he can see better than I can.
That makes sense since my glasses aren't on.
I'm dumb :/
This is Theo Decker, signing off.

((Adult Boris's smile is the perfect example of the Amazon prime boxes. *finger guns*))

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