Chapter 52~ BoardWalk.

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((I take notes on The Goldfinch book, did you know that Boris REALLY likes peanut butter and tea? I-))

The firework traffic after the show was pain. Although Boris was spitting out jokes. Which made me laugh pretty hard, almost knocking the breath out of me.
It was painful waiting. But it was filled with many pecks on the cheek when one of us got angry.
Once we arrived home we both collapsed on the bed. Resting our bodies for a few minutes before we got up and took a shower.
Coming back, our bodies still damp, which made it hard to put our pajama clothes.
We flipped down beside each other. Even though the blankets weren't on our bodies we were to comfortable to get up and move them, for awhile both of us lay awake trying to fall asleep, before Boris got up.
"Can't sleep."
"Me neither."
I watched as his dark curls fell on his pale face before he tossed them back. "Wait." He signed before he walked over to the kitchen, I sat there for a hot minute before he came back with orange juice... in wine glasses.
"In a wine glass?"
"Eh, why not."
I took the one he handed to me and slowly started to drink out of it, I propped my back against the headboard, Boris did the same. Boris raised his hands and began to sign.
"A-a-a, a-a-a,
byly sobie kotki dwa.
A-a-a, kotki dwa,
szarobure, szarobure obydwa.
Ach, śpij, kochanie,
jesli gwiazdke z nieba chcesz - dostaniesz.
Wszystkie dzieci, nawet źle,
pogrążone są we śnie,
a ty jedna tylko nie.
A-a-a, a-a-a,
byly sobie kotki dwa.
A-a-a, kotki dwa-
"What the-"
"Shut up Potter I haven't gotten to the good part yet!"

"szarobure, szarobure obydwa.
Ach, śpij, bo wlaśnie
księżyc ziewa i za chwilę zaśnie.
A gdy rano przyjdzie świt
księzycowi będzie wstyd,
ze on zasnąl, a nie ty."

I had no idea what he was signing. He began to sing again.

"A-a-a, a-a-a,
byly sobie kotki dwa.
A-a-a, kotki dwa,
szarobure, szarobure obydwa.
Ach, śpij, koch-"

"English Boris!" I signed nudging him with my shoulder. He nodded his head before beginning to sign in English.

"Ah-ah-ah*, ah-ah-ah,
There were once two little kittens.
Ah-ah-ah, two little kittens,
They were both grayish-brown.
Oh, sleep, my darling,
If you'd like a star from the sky I'll give you one.
All children, even the bad ones,
Are already asleep,
Only you are not.
Ah-ah-ah, ah-ah-ah,
There were once two little kittens.
Ah-ah-ah, two little kittens,
They were both grayish-brown.
Oh, sleep, because
The moon is yawning and he will soon fall asleep.
And when the morning comes
He will be really ashamed,
That he fell asleep and you did not."

I paused,
"Your mother?..." I signed with one raised eyebrow.
"Did Your mother used to sing this to you?" I finished.
"Yeah." He signed I could see him let out a heavy sigh.
I paused again, this time we were both laying under the covers.
"Boris... what does your voice sound like?"
Nobody talked for a minute.
He turned over to face me, laying his chin on my chest.
"What do you think it sounds like?"
He asked, rubbing circles into the side of my hip. "I don't know, people told me you have a heavy Russian accent."
I finished, putting a hand on his cheek.
"That's true."
I smiled and scoffed.
"Sounds like you would honestly, you were Signing in another language!" I signed placing a hand on his back. He smiled before getting up and moving to his side of the bed. "Let's get some sleep okay?"
I nodded. He turned off the light, leaving us both in the pitch black darkness of our room,

This is Theo Decker, Signing off

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