Chapter 80~ lick of the flame

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We drove home from our night in our car. Both of us tired and smelled like the air fresheners in the car, though we had gotten used too the smell constantly in our noses, it still isn't the most delightful smell to be breathing in all night.
Boris pulled into the driveway.
Patches of snow filled our yard and driveway. But we're very small amounts. I opened the door. The dry cold air hitting our faces, making me feel even more tired and stuffy, my allergies had gotten too me. Since we usually have a humidifier in our room the keep the air more damp.
I watched impatiently as Boris removed the keys from the car and twirled them in between each of his fingers. He could tell I was waiting for him and wanted to get inside. He smiled at me. "When we get inside take your medicine... okay?" He reminded me. I firmly nodded my head, and readjusted my glasses back onto my nose.
Boris unlocked the door and the welcoming warm air hit us almost immediately as we entered in, finally away from the cold. Boris closed the door after he stepped in and let out a sigh, but smiled softly after. "Just get in bed. I'll get your medicine." He signed with a positive look on his face. I nodded and hugged him. He was a bit startled by my quick action but hugged back. "I'm going to take a shower as well. My skin is terribly dry." I added on. He ruffled my hair and mouthed "okay" before trotting of into the kitchen to fetch the medicine. I made my way into our bathroom and sat on the ledge of the bath tub. Taking off my clothes as I stretched like I just woke up after a million years. ((The heck this scene is so hard to write 😅))
I tuned on the water. Yawning as the cold water hit my hand. I pulled my hand away and adjusted the temperature. I got it to where it felt good enough and stepped in. Feeling the water hit my bare skin and roll down and off, hitting the ground and slowly making its way to the drain. It felt good to have a nice warm shower after being trapped in a very cold car overnight.
((Time skip brought to you by a Carl Grimes quote :D-
"iM trYinG"
"WeLL trY hArDer" only true TWD fans will know the quote 👏))
New clothes were wrapped around my body. The soft Cotton rubbing against my skin felt much better then the less softer fabric I wore to sleep last night.
The clothes were very loose. The shirt exposed most of my shoulders, my pants hung over my waist. But I tied the string to help them stay up right.
I walked Into our room. Where Boris was sitting on our bed. He had also put on newer clothes.
I slipped under the soft satin sheets next to him, looking closely and studying how the rays of sun hit his face in a very infesting pattern.
He leaned over and grabbed my medicine and a bottle of water. "You gotta take it." He signed with a smirk as I groaned.
I took them and put them in the back of my throat and took big sips of water. Hating the feeling of swallowing the medicine. Boris watched closely. Taking the water from me when I finished and placed it onto the nightstand beside him.
He pulled the covers up shoulder length and patted his pillow. Signaling for me to get closer. It was one of those days where he wanted more snuggles and cuddles. Which I always gave to him.
I laid my head on his pillow. Feeling as my eyelids grew heavy. Boris said something, I could tell by his easy breath on my forehead.
I silenced him by a long kiss on the lips, which seemed to last at least a minute before we pulled away. There was no way we could get any closer, we both were so warm and comfortable that we decided not to move.
He moved my hair out of my face and took my glasses off. Placing them on the nightstand and pulled me into his chest. Where I stayed still for a few minutes, before the tiredness took over and I fell asleep.
This is Theo Decker signing off.
((Hi, I'm tired and I want to snoogle Carl Grimes. Someone please fetch Carl for me I want to snoogle please 🥺👉👈))

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