Chapter 82~ Smile?

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((Hi I'm watching the purge and my brain is confused because I'm watching gore and writing fluff at the same time lol gonna be a lot of a/ns on this bad boy :o
Happy 1k everyone!!!
Since I reached 1k I'm going to shoutout a underrated book. Another shoutout at 2k. Everyone go read @My_Crocs_ boreo book! It's one of my favorites and it's very underrated :000))

Boris And I sat on the couch. Blankets draped over both of our bodies. Boris had his hands holding mine, in a firm grip. Dry tear streaks covered my face, though tears had stopped flowing out of my eyes.
Boris's eyes glistened with happy tears. "Are you okay?" He asked me. His voice filled with the sound of him holding back his tears. I nodded, before watching a tear Make it's way down his face, before he wiped it off when it reached his chin.
"What do you want to do?" He asked me, I shrugged my shoulders he scoffed. God his laugh was beautiful. "Cmon pumpkin! We gotta celebrate" he said in response too my action.
"Let's go out. To lunch?" I asked him. He smiled and pulled my body closer too his. "Of course" He said, kissing my face a few times before he pulled away, leaving only traces of soft kisses on my cheeks, forehead and lips.
It made me giggle and Boris smile. "Come here" I said with a laugh, grabbing his shirt and pulling him forward. Turning him around as he groaned. I had a brush on the coffee table next to us. Which I proceeded to grab and run through his beautiful curls, he pouted and mumbled some gibberish. "I don't speak Boris." I said, not enjoying his attitude. I put a hand under his chin and lifted his face up, I ran the brush through the hair that hung over his eyes then proceeded to push it behind his ears.
Once I finished I spun him around. "Done!" I said, giving him a kiss on the tip of his nose as he ran his fingers through his hair and got it too the position he liked. "Lets go eat." He said, wiping off the loose hairs that had fell on me during the brush.
I smiled and removed his hand from my clothing and interweaved our fingers. He led me to the door and opened it for me. Which I accepted and stepped out.
Once I felt the dry air hit my skin I started to speed-walk too the car. Quickly opening the door and hopping in. Boris took awhile before he officially got in the car, a small smile appearing on my lips as I heard the jingle of the keys and the ac turn on, the warm air hitting my skin and making Boris's curls flow back in the air before he adjusted the air flow of the ac to a different direction. He pulled out of the driveway. I could hear the annoying constant reminder of the car that the oil was low. After all these years of Boris telling me how annoying it was I finally could hear it.
It was a short drive, Boris blasting his music that I could hear ((hehe just a little secret: he's listening to "Cyber s3" by Doja Cat - it's literally the video up above)) seeing how his head perfectly bopped on beat too the song.
We pulled into the parking lot and parked the car, he turned down the music and turned his full attention too me. I did the same too him. ((Their is some gore on tv rn and my brain is like: 😑😅😟😒🥶😰😥😓😐😐😐 while my books all: 💕💕💕❤️❤️❤️❤️💕💕💕🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺😘😘😘😘))
We walked inside, Boris's hands in the pockets of his coat while mine hung by my side
I opened the door for him, getting a pat on the shoulder in response, I was instantly greeted by the sound of silverware hitting and scraping plates. Which I remembered instantly from memories about going out to brunch with my mother.
We reached our table, both of us quickly ordering our drinks too the waitress. Boris getting wine while I stuck too water.
"Do you not like any alcohol Potter? You haven't even taken a sip of any alcohol and your twenty-two!" He said as the waitress walked away. "No, I'll try when I feel like it. I'll just stick to water for now." I replied, he clicked his tongue and shook his head. "It's a good part of growing up Pumpkin, your missing out." He said with a laugh. Which made me smile and roll my eyes
((Time skip brought too you by a question! Please answer in the comments!
Q- If the purge were too exist. Who would you be with? What would you be doing? (The purge is a movie where all crime murder, robbery, etc is legal for 15 hours.)
My A- I would be with myself, driving down the street in my Christmas light covered car (if you get that ref from the movie *wink wink*) and I'd be the literal irl version of the candy bar girls, but I'd run over the people who murder with my car. (Or shoot them, I don't think I'll have a weapon though) I'll keep the good ones. Just kill the bad ones.))
Our drinks arrived, Boris took a sip before sliding it slowly over to me with a smirk. "Boris..." I groaned "come on!" He said playfully. I sighed and put the rim of the wine glass up too my lips. I opened my mouth. Feeling the liquid burn in my throat, it tasted terrible. I put it back down and shook my head. "No" I said. "Don't like it?" He asked, taking it back. "Nope, gross." I said. The terrible taste still in my mouth. "Sush, we'll find your type of wine one day." He added on to my statement, giving a playful wink. Which I birdied him for "Potter!" He responded with a laugh. "Put your hand down! There are children here!" He laughed out, gesturing to the rather younger people that surrounded our table. "Who cares idiot, it's a bar." I said, leaning my head to point out the massive amount of semi-drunk people as well as the many stacks of all different kinds of beer that were mounted on the wall.
((~time skip two becauseiresllygetuncomfortablewhenwritingaboutfood brought to you by an announcement: you know your cool when you drink koolaid jammers in 2020.))
We got our food, Boris immediately began eating. I ate at a slower pace.
"What does do you want to do today Potter?" He asked me, looking up at me from his plate "get in bed cuddle and talk" I responded, already starting to get tired and crave our bed, craving sleep and comfort.
He smiled and nodded, "of course" he added on after a pause, before taking another bite of his food ((y'all don't know how hard it was too write that. I literally don't know why I get so uncomfy when writing about food :/))
We stood up. Walking to the counter to pay, Boris giving a death glare to one of the drunk guys who sat there sipping at his beer and looking at us.
I got a little nervous and paranoid at the wait so I squeezed Boris's hand softly. Getting an immediate squeeze back which calmed me down immediately.
We both got back to the car. Hopping in and sitting for a second while Boris let the inside of the car heat up, I leaned back in my seat and closed my eyes. Letting out a quick sigh.
Once Boris pulled out of the parking lot, he began to chatter about the things we'll be able to do in the future, adorable stuff that made my heart melt, and blah blah blah.
Home felt only a block away. Pulling in our driveway and rushing into the house laughing, taking off our coats and throwing them to the side and hopping on our bed. Watching as the stacked up boxes rattled and shakes slightly at our sudden movement, we took off our shoes, I took my sleeping pills and we cuddled into each other. ((Autocorrect keeps changing Boris too Brodie and I'm laughing-crying over here and I don't know why it's just so funny in my mind for some reason))
Boris sung a soft polish lullaby too me. It was ear candy on its own and made me feel warm and safe. He kissed the back of my neck at the end of it which made me automatically tired. I could tell he was because he laid his head down on his pillow and stopped singing. "Goodnight lovebird." He said too me before he closed his eyes too fall asleep. "Goodnight Boris." I replied, kissing his nose and snuggling into his chest. Letting the effects of the pill take over me. It did like lightning and I was our fast.
((Happy 1k noobs!! ( 'Д')y━・~~ ))

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