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Felix : Freddy and I are dating.

Everyone : *Gasps*

Felix : Freddy, why are YOU surprised?!


Danny and Dom : *Bickering*

Dom : I want a divorce!

Danny : We're not even engaged!

Dom : And whose fault is that?!


Fredi : *Looks at Niko seductively*

Fredi : *Lowers glasses*

Fredi : Damn I can't see a thing!


David : Being gay is not a choice.

David, holding Hinti like a trophy : But it's a game and I have won.


Aymen : Are you pro-gay?

Steven : Well I'm not pro-gay but I'm not amateur gay either.


Bas : Tomorrow is garbage day.

Seppl : I can't believe they have a whole day dedicated to you.


Kevin, banging on the door : Felix, open up!

Felix : It all started when I was eleven...

Kevin : No, I meant--

Jan : Let him finish.


Aymen, about Tuta : I don't have a crush on him!

Aymen : He's just someone I stare at and I like, and when he's not there it ruins my day.


Timmy : Gonça and I don't have pet names for each other.

Kevin : Uh huh, hey, you know what bees make, right?

Timmy : Honey?

Gonça, from the next room : Yes, dear?

Kevin : Don't lie to my face ever again.


Filip : *trips and falls on top of André*

André : Looks like someone became the first man to land on the sun.

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