2 0 0

Timmy's mom : Anyway how's your friend?

Timmy : Who?

Mom : That Portuguese guy.

Timmy : We're not exactly friends.

Mom : Well he told me so...

Timmy : D-DID HE???


*Gonça coming back from Schalke*

Timmy : I know you've told my mom we're friends.

Gonça, blushing : No I didn't...

Timmy : Sure.


Filip : How can someone say Ajdin is evil? He's the most precious soft little soul.

Ajdin, wiping blood off his face : YEAH I'M ADORABLE!


*Ilse, Hinti and Timmy sitting on a bench*

Danny : Why do you guys look so sad?

Timmy : Sit down with us so we can tell you.

*Danny sits down*

Timmy : The bench is freshly painted.

Danny :


Hinti : Why is Bas sleeping on your shoulder?

Seppl : Shup up! This is sweet!

Hinti : An hour ago you were complaining that he was annoying.

Seppl : I changed my mind.


David : Truth or Dare?

Hinti : Truth.

David : What's the worst decision you've made while being drunk.

Hinti : Not to brag but I don't need alcohol to make bad decisions.


Niko, to Fredi : I have feelings for you. Not telling you which ones.


Haugie : Jesper can be... Immature sometimes.

Seppl : Sometimes? Remember how excited he got when he found out he could drink two caprisuns at once?

Jesper, holding three caprisuns : Guys, you're not gonna believe this!


Oliver : How did none of you hear what I just said?

Ilse : I've been zoned out for the last two and a half hours.

Kevin : I got distracted about halfway through.

Erik : Ignoring you was a conscious decision.


David : My husband is washing the dishes and I just heard him say ''who do you work for? Who's your contact?'' While repeatedly pushing a glass under water.

David :

David : At least he's having fun?

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