10 2 0

Ante : Mijat, have I ever put you in a dangerous situation?

Mijat : All the time.

Ante : Then you should be used to it!


Ilse, angrily : ARE YOU-

Steven : Fucking

Ilse : - KIDDING ME?

Hinti :... What was that?

Steven : Hütter banned Ilse from swearing, so I volunteered to help him out.

Hinti : You just like saying fuck.

Steven : That doesn't make my job any less important.


Aymen : How dumb does David think we are?

Tuta : Sometimes he leaves me pictures of food instead of a shopping list.


Gonça : That's ridiculous, do you think I'm stupid?

Lucas : Of course I do, but that's none of the point.


Markus : I think Kevin is in trouble!

Jan : Alright. Struggling to give a fuck, if I'm honest.


I knew you were gay the moment you said you would pick Anne Hathaway over Cole Sprouse. Even straight guys like Cole Sprouse. You were hiding something.

Timothy Chandler to Gonçalo Paciencia


Marijan : I'm sorry.

Filip : You're not.

Dejan : We didn't know what we were doing!

Filip : Well, I believe that part.


Markus : I... Sad.

Ragnar : Is that your official statement? ''I sad?''


Amin : Can you all just - be serious for five minutes?

Evan : Our record is three and a half.


Fredi : You're like... Really short.

Niko : Thanks, I had no idea.

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