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(Don't look at the two snakes near my precious lil coach tks)

Danny : Are you decent?

Dom : Not morally, but I'm wearing pants if that's what you're asking.


Steven : Who's that?

Seppl : Dominik Kohr.

Steven : He's got a very punchable face.

Seppl : Yeah, I noticed that.


David : When I said bring me back something from the beach, I meant like, a shell.

Gonça, struggling to hold a seagull : Well you didn't say that.


Jan : Murder wasn't on today's agenda.

Kevin : It's not on anyone's.

Jan : No it's on mine, just not until next Thursday.


Life always surprises you because at every stage of it you're like ''There's nothing worse than this'', but then, surprise, there is.

Niko Kovač, probably


Adi : Are you gonna be nervous?

David : Am I gonna be ner- I've been nervous for twenty years!


Bas : Sometimes I'll start a sentence and I don't even know where it's going. I just hope I find it along the way.


Fredi : I'm straight.

Niko : Hi.

Fredi : So it turns out I'm not straight.


Gonça : When Timmy falls asleep in public, I shake him and yell ''DON'T YOU DIE ON ME!''

Gonça : People always clap when he wakes up.


Steven : You know, there's an 'U' in ''stupid''.


Dom :

Dom : Wait-

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