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Danny : Do you promise?

Dom : Would I lie to you?

Danny : Hm, yes!


I don't know if the therapist is supposed to say ''wow'' that many times during their first session with a client, but here we are.

Sam Lammers


Oliver : Some of you have never made good decisions and it shows.

Gonça, whispering to Timmy : Is he talking about me?


Daichi : What is tooth paste, if not bone soap?

Makoto : Existence is a prison and being your spiritual brother is maximum security.


Ilse : Do blind people see their dreams?

Hinti : Do deaf people hear their thoughts?

Filip : Do you two ever shut the fuck up?


Kristijan : It's nice to be wanted, you know?

Rafael : Not by the law!


David : I can't believe you would do something this stupid!

Gonça : I think we can all believe that I can do something this stupid.


Jesper : If cats knew what sin was they wouldn't even care.

Ragnar : I don't care either fuck trigonometry.


Tuta : Can you overdose on vitamin d?

Diant : Technically, that's how Icarus died.

Aymen, tearing up : iCarly is dead?


Sam, writing in his diary : Dear diary -

Sam : Today, a bitch really tried it.

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