Taeyang Shower *smut*

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Imagine you're in the shower and Taeyang comes in...looking for something in particular




"(Y/n)," YoungBae groans, his voice raspy since you have both just woken up. He pokes his head past the bathroom door and whines your name again.


"Baaaabe~." He coos desperately.

You chuckle and look past the curtain at his smirking face. "What is it?

He bites down on his pink lip, his dark brown eyes glaring at you softly. "Can we..."

He didn't even have to finish the sentence for you to understand what he wanted.


"No?" He echoes sadly. "What do you mean no?"

You close the white curtain and continue rinsing the shampoo out of your hair. "I mean no. I'm showering."

He leans his head back and pleads again. "Why can't we? Is it because of what happened yesterday? I promise I won't ask you when we're out at dinner. I'm sorry."

You silently smirk to yourself. You know that YoungBae isn't the kind to hold in the urge. And he's been asking you for sex since last night. Which you only refused since you just loved to tease him.

"Damn why is it so hot in here."

"The water's on hot."

"Why?," He asks as he pokes his head in. "YOUNGBAE!" You squeal and push him out immediately. He starts to laugh from behind the curtain, "Sorry I just wanted a peek."

"Oh my God, just get out." You playfully laugh as you grab your orange coloured loufa and lather your body with soap.

He stays silent giving you the impression that he finally gave up and left. "YoungBae?" You call his name just to be sure.

"Tae? You there? If you left could you please close the door I don't want-"

Suddenly he steps in behind you, shirtless, wearing nothing but the black basketball shorts he slept in. You scream and try covering your body with your hands.

"What the hell!" You yelp, shocked that he's decided to hop in clothed.

He laughs and slowly you begin to laugh too. "Why are you so surprised? You're acting like I've never seen you naked."

"You're being silly, YoungBae."

He smiles as you say his name. "Say it again."

You smirk. "You're being weird Youngb-"

"No, my name."

"What?" You say slyly, glancing up at him with a smirk that barely feigns innocence. 

"Say my name again."

You stare at him, his blonde hair dripping water onto his tan chest.

"YoungBae," You say softly.

He gives you a look, a look you've only seen one other time, a very long time ago. A hungry glare that could only mean one thing.

"Say it louder."

You step back until your back touches the cold tile wall behind you. "YoungBae," You tease again, the ends of your lips now curling evilly.

He presses himself against you, only your hands blocking your bodies from touching. He kisses you roughly at first, then you easily melt into it causing your arms to slowly wrap around his neck. He does the same, only this time his arms wrap around your slim waist. Youngbae pulls your wet body closer and leans away to kiss down your jaw down to the sensitive spot on your neck. "Please, " he whispers in your ear, hot breath sending chills down your spine.

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