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"Hurry up please!" You yell at your boyfriend who stumbles out of the front door with his shoes half on. "Sorry, sorry, sorry!"

You open the drivers' side door and start the car. "Took you long enough. I told you to be ready before six."

Seungri sits in his seat, a cue for you to start driving. "Sorry," He sighs.

"I forgot after I took a nap on the couch."

Your foot slams down on the gas in attempt to save yourselves from being embarrassingly late. "Yeah, it's okay."

Nowadays Seungri had been falling asleep everywhere. He would doze off during conversations and snore almost immediately after you both tried watching a movie. You don't blame him though, he's working harder than usual lately.

"We're here."

"Should I wear this jacket or no?" He questions, showing you the dark leather of the jackets that seemed exactly identical. Your scrunch your eyebrows, a smile spreading on your lips as you shake your head. "Ri, they're the same."

He closes the door after throwing the extra leather jacket back in. "I know."

Arms linking together, you lead him to the restaurant your boss planned to meet for dinner. Usually you would be scared to even get a call from your boss out of the blue, but when he did call asking if you'd like to join him and his wife for dinner, you considered this a good start to ask for a raise.

"Hey!" You exclaim with a wide smile as you greeted him with a handshake and brief hug. "___, it's nice to see you out of the confining work suit."

You chuckle and step aside. "This is my boyfriend, Seung Hyun. He's a singer."

Immediately your boss' eyes widen to the size of tennis balls. "A singer huh?"

Seungri holds out a hand and gives the elder a firm handshake before you both sit down and greet his wife. She has a smile spread on her face, red tinted lips and hair curled to perfection. You could barely believe that the man who ordered you around was actually married to such a beautiful woman. "Yeah. I'm the youngest of five members."

He nods and takes a sip of his wine. "So, tell me more about yourself, Seung Hyun."

"Oh um, call me Seungri."


"God damn, look at that figure."

You clear your throat loudly. "Excuse me?"

Seungri practically shoots the intoxicated man a glare so cold that it could slice though his skull. You pull onto the leather jacket Seungri gave you after your boss' wife left for a work emergency. You got cold and he noticed you shivering when he placed his hand on your thigh.

"You can't talk to her like that!" His once soft voice yells loudly. "Relax Seungri, I'm just saying what's on my mind."The rim of his cup reaches his lips before he takes a long swig of what seemed to be his thousandth glass of wine. Shifting in your seat uncomfortably, you glance up at Seungri. His platinum blonde hair swoops over his eyebrows and falls barely over the top of his eyes.

Although you can't see it, you know his eyebrows are furrowed.

You lean lose to his ear and whisper,"Come on, let's just leave."

Without breaking contact with the man sitting in front of him he responds quietly."I'm not going to let him treat you like that."

Just as things couldn't get any worse, your boss says something so rude that Seungri practically jumps out of his seat and lunges at him.

"What the hell did you say?" He says through gritted teeth and a tight jaw.

"I said, I bet it must be great doing her in bed, look at that body."

You feel your face burn a hot red as your jump up and hold Seungri's arm so he wouldn't make your boss' fifth vertebrae his sixth. "Seungri, please..."

His blood is still boiling as he leads you out of the restaurant in silence.

"What the hell was that?"


He starts the car engine and begins to drive.

"You could have got me fired." You scoff.

Suddenly, he pulls over into a gas station. "What are you-"

"You're mad because I could have got your fired?"

Your eyes stay locked on each other's. Silence filling the still air between you both, he finally decides to speak. "Did you hear what he said at all? Were you even paying attention."

"Yes I was! I was just shocked and confused I didn't think he actually meant it."

Seungri looks at you, then turns his head away, shaking his head and hitting his forehead on the the steering wheel. "_____, I don't want you working there anymore."

Your jaw drops. "You expect me to just quit?!"

His dark brown eyes meet yours. "I expect you to respect that I don't feel comfortable working there."

A deep sigh releases out of your mouth as your head turns to face your lap. "Fine. I'll quit."

He brings his head up and rubs his thumb against your cheek. "You have to understand that I'm asking you to do this because I love you, and I worry about you."

A small smile sneaks up to your lips. "I love you too."


Does anyone even notice that I put pictures up for every scenario or am I just putting them there for no reason like wat?

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