T.O.P *smut*

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*look at the picture*


Seung Hyun moans lowly under his breath as you barely shift yourself in his lap. "Babe." He whispers in your ear, his deep voice dripping with lust. "Hm?"

As you turn to face him, you feel something press against you back side. "Let's go home."

You nod and clear your throat to obtain your friends' attention. "Hey guys, we have to get going now."

"Aw, but you just got here." You stand up and hug your best friend goodbye, waving to your other friends after explaining that you have plans for later on in the day.

But immediately after exiting her apartment, Seung Hyun snakes his hand around your waist and kisses your neck. A chuckle bubbles out of you as you playfully push him away. "Oppa wait, were not even home yet."

"Well I can't wait until we get home." He whines, nibbling at your earlobe to send shivers down your spine. "Oppa, wait until we get home." You warn, glaring back at his brown eyes until he sighs his response.

During the whole drive home he taps his fingers along the armrest, shaking his leg until finally arriving into your home driveway. Normally you would park your car in the garage, but simply he insists that you leave it outside for the sake of time.

"Oppa!" You yell once he lifts you off your feet and walks you through the front door. He doesn't even bother locking it behind him, he just to walks into your bedroom and tosses you gently on your neatly made bed. His dark coloured eyes glaze over with hunger and desire as you prop yourself up to look at him. "Well," you say. "You're not just going to stand there, are you?"

His thin lips curl into a smirk before he pulls off his shirt and kicks off his shoes and pants. He pounces over your curvy body, eyeing you like you were the last piece of bulgogi. At first he focuses all of his attention to the certain spot on your neck that made you giggle like crazy. Then he slowly removes your sweater, leaving your bra to be skillfully torn off with one hand.

With the both of you only partially naked, the growth in his boxers grow to the point that it presses against your thigh, forcing you to pause your heated kiss to look up at him. Your fingertips outline the size of his large member. Teasing the head with a circular motion until he bucked his hips and moaned in your ear.

You smirk. "Oppa did that feel good?"

He nods his head yes, slightly upset that the friction of your hand over his boxers had been stopped by an unnecessary question.

"Can you-?"

He stumbles over his words, stopping midsentence as you continue to rub him through the thin cotton barrier. Again his breathing becomes heavy, his eyes half lidded and he bites his bottom lip gently.

Suddenly your fingers tug at the elastic band around his waist, teasing to pull them down until he groans eagerly. "Stop teasing."

You smile, hook your fingers under the elastic band, and run your thumb near the pulsing veins near his abdomen. "I'm teasing? How about you. You can't just look at me like that, all helpless and needy."

He groans and kisses your neck again. Pleading for you to continue with his muffled voice caught between your neck and shoulder.

But instead of pulling his boxers down, you pull your own pants down. Your under wear stuck at your ankles as you suddenly touched yourself from under him. A soft moan emits from the back of your throat, making him freeze over you as if this was a new sight for him. Then again, you never touched yourself in front of him, so in a way, seeing you like this was new.

You push your fingers deeply inside yourself then pull them out to rub your pulsating clit. Your hips grind against your palm until Seung Hyun takes your breast in his mouth, swirling his warm tongue against your hard nipples slow enough to make you breathe out his name. Just as you are about to cum, you pull out your fingers and kick off your bottoms completely.

"You look so scared Oppa. Are you okay?"

His eyes meet with yours as his lost expression is pulled away from his face. "Huh?"

You chuckle and reach up to touch the smooth surface of his built chrest but Seung Hyun stops you and pulls off his boxers. His hands run up and down your thigh before he thrusts his thickness into you slowly. At first you moan out so loudly that he gets startled and looks down at you shocked. "Oppa move." You plead, your thin voice making it clear to him that you actually wanted more.

As you requested, Seung Hyun thrusts himself into you, his fingers digging into your hips tightly. His deep, hoarse voice grunts out in pleasure as you arch your back and moan out his name.

"Seung Hyun, faster."

Again and again he pushes himself into you, hitting your gspot so hard that when he finally came, you did too. And even then he didn't stop. He slowly pulled out and ran the head of his member over your opening just to see you squeal under him. "S-stop teaing me."

He chuckles and continues to press only the tip inside you, occasionally gaining a high pitched whimper that made you go crazy both on the inside and out. Your toes curl as he suddenly with one swift motion rams himself into you with devilish eyes.

Finally you scream out your climax, you nerves sending electricity throughout your body like a ripple to a wave.

After laying down beside, his chest rising and falling in synch with yours, Seung Hyun glances over at you to see your eyes half lidded and tired. "See?" He smirks. "That's what you get when you tease me."

"Shut up," you scoff, turning to rest your head on his tan chest. "You liked it."

He laughs and smiles up at the blank ceiling. "Damn right I did."



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