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I hope you like this, I really really hope you do I'm so sorry it's so short but I have finals all this week and next month D:


Jiyong knows everything about you.
He could name the shade of red you paint your lips each morning. He could tell you that when you're sleeping, you would wrap your arm around his and sightly pull him a little closer.

He knows what cologne makes you smile, and what sweater of his you like to steal. He could name your least favourite colour and remember every curve on your body like it was engraved into his memory.

His eyes could recognise your smile and instantly have the end of his lips turn up to do the same. Jiyong would admire you sleep peacefully with your head rested against his chest and only listen to your breathing, thinking of it as the most beautiful song he's ever heard.
His fingertips memorised every angle, every line, and every feature of your beautiful face.

But today, he didn't know what to do, or what to think, because today was the day, and today is your birthday.

Today YoungBae had taken you out to buy clothes. And as much as you enjoyed it you couldn't help but worry about what Jiyong was doing. "Thanks so much for taking me shopping," you smile as you get out of the passenger seat of YoungBae's black Lamborghini.

He smiles at you with his eyes and locks the car. "No problem, I had fun."

You chuckle and swing the two plastic bags in your hands, "Yeah well you know my style better than I do."
He takes the bags out of your hands and leads you up the stairs, "Ji talked about you a lot, I basically knew who you were before we even met."

You smile at this. "It's been a while since we met, huh?"

He nods before stopping at the steps of your front door. "I would stay around, but I have something to do at the studio." You nod at him and hug him tight, "thanks again YoungBae, see you soon."

He hands back your bags and fixes his black snapback, "I told you before, it was my treat."

"Fine," you laugh as he smiles and walks down the stairs. "Whatever."

"Haha, bye ____."

"Bye YoungBae."

Again, you were alone for the second time on your birthday. But thankfully, it wasn't so bad, you went shopping with YB and even got to have lunch at your favourite café.
This was probably the best birthday yet.

After opening the front door and walking inside, you find yourself suddenly covered in confetti. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" Jiyong smiles brightly and pulls you into a tight embrace.

You smiled as you took in the familiar scent of CK One and cigarettes. This is the soothing aroma of Kwon Jiyong that made your mind at ease.

He pulls back and kisses you passionately, "I didn't know what to do today. I didn't know if I should have done something big, or just do something small. But what I really do know is-"

Jiyong suddenly goes on one knee and pulls out something from his pocket.

Oh my gosh.

"That I love you, and I never want to wake up without your arms wrapped around mine and a lipstick stain on my cheek from when you leave early for work. And I never want to live a day without your smile or you highly contagious laugh. What I do want, is to know if you'll marry me."

He takes a deep breath and smiles nervously. "____, will you marry me?"

Your lips turn up into a overjoyed smile before you whimper out the word "Yes."
"Yes, I' will marry you."

Excitedly, he slides the silver diamond ring onto the forth finger of your left hand. Before you could even say anything else, Jiyong stands up and presses his lips against yours. "Don't cry, baby." He whispers as he wipes away your tears with his thumb. You smile and kiss him again. "Happy birthday, babe. I love you."
"I love you," you smile and hug him tight.

Finally, now Jiyong could name the day you smiled the brightest and cried the hardest, all over the course of seven minutes.

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