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You stare up in awe at the artworks hanging from the walls in front of you. "Wow," you say, barely managing to keep the smile off your face.

Ever since you were a kid, you were immersed in art and had a passion for it that not even the most popular artists could compete with. Now, as you wander through the exhibitions you've eagerly waited to see for days, you could hardly manage to restrain from squealing at the sight of your favourite artists' pieces.

"Jagi." Seung Hyun calls. His hands point towards a familiar rectangular shaped installation. No way.


"Judd." He smiles, finishing your sentence with just as much excitement.

You smile widely and excitedly make your way to the blue glass cubes. "It's amazing..." You say, watching the light allow rainbow patterns to spread along the floor.

As Seung Hyun comes up from behind you, his hand rests against the small of your back and he softly kisses your cheek. "You like it?"

"I love it."

Without looking back at him, you tap Seung Hyun's chest and ask him to hand you his phone. "I want to take a picture."

"Then use your phone."

You sigh and snatch his phone out if his hand. "Of you and the art, Seung Hyun."

He chuckles and fixes his light brown hair with his fingers.
"Step back then."
You follow his commands and walk backwards, far enough so his feet touched the bottom of the screen and the top of the installation reached the very edge.

Click click.

After taking a few shots, you walk forward to show him the various photos.

"Beautiful." You say softly, grinning down at the screen with joyous eyes.

"It is a beautiful piece, isn't it?"

"I'm talking about you, 바보!"

"Hm?" His eyebrows raise to glance down at you.

You laugh and hand him his phone back.


Seung Hyun furrows his brows suspiciously and stares as you cheerfully make your way to the next installation in the room. "Beautiful?"

"Were you talking about me?" He calls, his voice echoing off the art-filled walls.

A smirk spreads across your pink lips before you do a spin and slip on to the next room.

"야! Were you calling me beautiful- 아이씨...come back here!" He yells after you, running and mumbling under his breath how he hadn't gotten to finish looking at the remaining art pieces.

"진짜!" He whines once he realises you're not in the room you just entered. "Come on, where are you?"

"Find me!" You yell from behind a marble statue.

Seung Hyun simply takes off his white face mask and lets out an exasperated sigh. "Not again, ____."


hmm, maybe you'll find out my surprise soon

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