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Look at the cute little picture in the media. ;~; its so perfect, I look at it when I feel unmotivated to study for school c:


"____~" Seungri's voice whines sadly. He has been resting his head on your lap as you endlessly study the notes in your textbook. "What?" You question blankly.

His head lifts from your lap to bump against the hardcover book in your hands. As a vibrant pink sticky note falls out of its place and onto Seungri's face, you watch the pink paper flutter down to his nose. "Stop studying, you've been looking at nothing but that book all day. "

You nod, oblivious to what he has said, and continue reading over the abundance of colourful notes. "Okay."
Seungri scoffs, sits up out of your lap, and pushes your book out of your face. "Ya!" He yells. "You don't even know what I said!"

You sigh and close your book gently. "Sorry, I just really need to study for this test."

His eyes advert from yours and to his fidgeting hands. "I guess...its okay."

"Fighting." He smiles and quickly kisses your nose with his soft lips. "Study hard for an A."


Seung Hyun swirls the deep red liquid in his glass and takes a sip. "I told you," he says. "Study now, kiss later."

You groan and throw your head back in frustration. Over and over your eyes analyze the text you are so determined to memorise before tomorrow's exam. And each time you read over it, you somehow manage to get lost in to your endlessly running thoughts. "Do I have to?" You groan. Turning your head to the side so your eyes meet.

The glass in his hand clinks on the glass table as he sets it down. "Yes. Or no kiss."

You sigh deeply and pick up the thich weighty book in your hands. "But-"

"Study now. Kiss later."

You whimper and pout your bottom lip. "Fine."


Sorry its so short :o ily guys

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