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Daesung stares at the webpage in front of him with shock poking at his face. You stand behind him as he reads a fanfiction you found on the internet. With Each word he reads over  the nervousness in your stomach increases. "I..." he begins to say only to continue scrolling down to the bottom of the page.

Your watch him carefully, analysing his profile until he meets his black pupils with yours. "This is what they write about me? Its so..."

"Gross?" You say, filling in his sentence based on his disgusted facial expressions.


You raise your eyebrows at his smirking face until his lips part to speak. "Do you want me to do this to you?"


"Would you like it?"

His hand slowly slides up your thigh until he holds on to the side of your torso. "I don't- I don't know?" He then stands up from his seat and pulls you closer by the hips. "You don't know," he echos. "Maybe we should find out ourselves."

Slowly he presses his lips against yours roughly, just as the book had described. His mouth tastes of chocolate and peppermint. He was clearly chewing gum before.

"I think," he says, parting away before caressing your face with his palm against your cheek. "This is the part where I lay you on the bed."

Suddenly Daesung pulls your waist and gently lies on back on the bed behind you. With his body over yours the air between you two gets hot. His fingers run down your figure, molding over you're curves until he reaches the top of your shorts.


Daesung groans and drops his head on your shoulder. "What Seungri? Cant you see that we're busy?"

"Hyung I can't open the spaghetti sauce, help me please." The younger male steps forward shamelessly, the jar of red sauce gasped between his hands.

Daesung simply snatches the glass container from Seungri, twists the lid slightly, and shoves it back towards him. "You're welcome, now leave."

"Oh- Hyung...that was so coo-"

"Bye, Seung Hyun."  He says sternly.

"Okay. Bye."


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