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Little drabble thingy bc I was bored.

As you walk down the hall of the YG buidling , you hear a familiar voice sing quite loudly. Your lips tug into a smile as you walk closer to the door.


Your hand reaches out to twist the knob, and when you do the lyrics to the song become more clear. "Noona," Seungri whispers as he jumps out of his seat and greets you with a bow. The others stay in theirs  acknowledging your presence with small nods.

Seungri then motions you towards his chair near the turn tables, "You can sit here." Warmly, you smile and sit down keeping your eyes on Jiyong. He still hasn't noticed that you were sitting practically in front of him. "Oh, put these on." Daesung leans closer to you, handing you a black pair of headphones before he puts them on as well.

Making sure to keep quiet, you put them over your ears and listen to his voice overtake your senses. It isn't beautiful, or amazing, it's indescribable. His voice is purely angelic. Goosebumps starting to cover your skin when his voice hits a high falsetto, you smile.


"You know," Seungri leans on the back of your chair. "He wrote this song for you."

A wide grin spreads across your face, and before you know it Jiyong walks out of the booth in shock. "____ , what are you doing here?" He smiles happily as you stand up approaching him with open arms. Jiyong pulls you in a warm embrace, squeezing you tight as if you were going to leave. "You did great."

He kisses you and flashes his perfect teeth. "I did? This style is kinda new for me."

You pinch his cheek and speak to him in a soothing voice. "You were perfect ."

He chuckles and pulls his pink beanie down further. "I swear it's only because you were watching."

You hear YoungBae chuckle from behind you both.

Jiyong looks past you at his bestfriend who's trying hard to hold in laughter."What?"

"She treats you like a baby. Pinching your cheek like that. Little jiyongie."

He chuckles and rolls his eyes, mumbling something quietly under his breath.
"Yeah well at least my girlfriend doesn't call me Teydaddy."

I didn't have a specific thing I wanted to write about so tada. The picture for this chapter was made by yours truly me. ;))

But does anyone else call Tae by Teydaddy? Because I do.


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