Dance Battle

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As I was writing this wattpad deleted some of it so I'm sorry it's not so good.


Jiyong huffs in embarrassment, walking over to the end of the room with his arms folded across his chest. Next it's Seung Hyun's turn to go against you. "I'll start,"You say but suddenly get cut off by the older man's whining. "I wanted to go first!"

The other men muffled their silent chuckles with hands slapped over their mouths. "Fine," you say. "Then you can start it off."

As upbeat hiphop music begins to play through loud speakers, your head bobs along accordingly while SeungHyun thinks about his next move. At first he starts off pretty well, moving his feet and arms in a slow robotic motion.

"Ayeee~!" Jiyong covers his mouth with the back of his hand while YoungBae and the others laugh excitedly. "Ah, Hyung! You're really good!"

The elder smiles widely, dimples stretching across his cheeks until the songs stops and you're left to defend yourself. All it takes is a few dougie's, a small body roll and you got the whole group of boys cheering for you to win. "That's not fair,"Seung Hyun whines once the cheers die down. "You're just doing that because she's a girl." Glances exchange silently for a few moments until finally YoungBae shoves him out of the way and takes his spot on the living room floor. A wave of loud "ooo's"and "ohh's" escape their lips like firecrackers on the fourth of July. "___'s definitely going to win."

"No way, YoungBae is." As soft mummers slipped throughout the four boys, you and YoungBae stared each other down, smirking to yourselves as you quickly put together some quick choreography in your head. Älright!"Jiyong's loud voice calls the attention to every one in the room. "This is the final round, and as we decided the loser buys dinner, no questions asked." You both nod your heads in unison and shake hands just as they did in real competitions.

Unlike him, to you this was a real compition. You just hadn't won yet.

"Who will go first?"

"He will."

YoungBae looked up at you with his shocked brown eyes. "Alright then. YoungBae will go first. Seungri...,"
Jiyong glances at his younger and points towards him. "Start the beat."

Workout hesitation the blonde haired man begins playing a new track. "Oooh shit!"
Seung Hyun smiles widely as his fellow members bob their heads to the beat and dance quietly in their seats.

YoungBae's lips spread into a suddenly shy smile as you practically keep yourself from squealing out in excitement. Seungri had purposely played a song that you both enjoyed listening to just to get you both hyped up. But before he could even make his first move he simply peels off his black tanktop and throws it on the couch. "I'm ready."

Again, the dance battle continued with the last and final round. You had already beat three out of four boys--Seungri can't dance because he's the DJ but everyone knows that if he was battling, Seungri would be in your place against YoungBae. Luckily for you, you are just as good and are willing to take on the challenge.

His toned body moves swiftly to the music, smoothly, like liquid until the beat speeds up and his moves intensified. YoungBae is finally getting into it. His arms move so automatically you began to question if he was actually freestyling. But of course he was, he always freestyles with such clean cut precision.

After a minute or two the music dropped and he stopped with a cocky pose and smile on his face. If he wasn't so close to you you would be clapping, but since he decided to be so intimidating your eyes were locked on each other's until he finally stepped backwards and walked away. The group of boys are hooting and chanting his name as you stared at them silently, smirking to yourself as he received hugs and pats on the back. It's on, YoungBae.

As soon as Jiyong instructed Seungri to play the music you began with your part and immediately directed your eyes towards your competition. Your fingers slowly run through your hair before you roll your head slowly and squat with a hand on your thigh. As you stand back up to your feet, your hand runs over your own thigh making sure to keep eye contact with him. With your back bent forward you whip your head up and quickly transition into a bod roll. Jiyong stares at you with wide eyes while Daesung hides his face behind Seung Hyun. Clearly your plan was already working.

After a few more seconds of your 'seducing', Seungri speeds up the beat with quick dubstep remix. Immediately you begin popping sending the boys into a screaming frenzy of 'oh my God's' and excited laughter. You continue dancing with a smile plastered on your face so big your cheeks begin to hurt.

"Alright, alright, alright,"Seungri says, stopping the music and standing up from the turn tables. "I believe we all have come to a conclusion. ____ won and YoungBae Hyung pays for dinner." They all no their heads and exchange glances. "Agreed." Without another second to waste they all stand up from their seats and head towards the door. "Wait what? Hold on! You're gonna let her win because she did the sexy dance moves! That's unfair." Seungri shakes his head side to side and puts his hand on YoungBae's bare shoulder. "You can't say no to a girl doing a sexy dance." He stares at his younger in disgust and pushes his hand off him. "Aish..."

Already half of the boys are out the door and in the parking lot by the time YoungBae finally finds his wallet and returns back into the living room. "Sorry YoungBae,"You say softly as you approach him with a sly smile. With his shirt in your hands you gently press it against his sweaty bare chest. "But it is what it is." You step back, wink at him and turn back to walk out the door leaving him to stare utterly baffled.

"What the hell..."


Meh, please enjoy. Ily guys

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