Imagine Taeyang...

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Imagine Taeyang tries teaching you how to play piano...


"Now press these," YoungBae instructs slowly, pressing a pattern of keys for you to follow. As if you've done this before you you follow along on the Major end of the piano. Luckily for you, you have done this before a few years back in High School. But...he doesn't need to know that.

YoungBae flashes you his infamous cheeky smile. "Okay now with your right hand you're going to play these."

You watched. Followed along. And when it was time for you to repeat, you lean over him to the higher set of keys. You flinch when your feel his hand suddenly press against your ribs. "Good, good. But maybe you can sit here so you don't have to lean over so much?"

He then lifts you on to his lap and continues to teach. You smile to yourself as a warm heat grazes your cheeks. "So, um, put your hands here..."

His soft hands hover over yours until he moves them to the sets of keys you've just 'learned'. "Now, play."

Slowly your fingers begin to play out the tune of Eyes, Nose, Lips; a song that made you only forget the rest of the notes. "I...," you sigh as your mind runs through thoughts of every possible note that could come next.
"I forgot."

Twisting around to face him, you whine and feeling completely defeated. He watches you. Staring into your eyes as if he was searching for something to help.

"I think I have an idea, get up."

His hand finds his way to yours and he tugs you towards the couch in the living room.
"What are you-"

You get cut off by your thoughts when he suddenly pulls off his plain white t-shirt while flexing each muscle in his body to do so. "How about you,"
He falls back on the couch and pulls you onto him with a sly pull.

"Practice playing on me."


All these dirty requests make me wonder are you guys even human? Lolol jk ily guys

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