Taeyang, One Sided Love

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*reader will be Ailee*

So I combined two very similar requests into one so I guess this is it asdfghjkl


Its been three years. Three long years of mixed signals. Three years of all those looks, all those touches and all you got was...nothing.


A soft beat hums through your headphones as you continue to sing at a high falsetto. With a smile on your lips and your fingers clutching on the red headphones caressing your face, you glance over at YoungBae who sits behind the glass in front of you. His head bobbing to the sound of your steady voice makes you giggle immediately after you finish your recording. "Ailee," he chuckles shockingly.

"Your laugh at the end, let's use it. It sounded good with the track. "

You pull the headphones off and hang them on to the stand from the ceiling as you step out of the recording booth. "Really?"

He flashes a toothy smile. The same smile that sent butterflies to flutter endlessly in your stomach. "Yeah."

"So, we're done? That's it? That's the last song on the album?" Your eyes widen as he stands up and hugs you tight. This send the same shocks of energy you get when his hand brushes against yours. The same feeling as when he laughs so hard tears fall from his eyes and he would double over with you by his side doing the same. This made your heart pound so hard in your chest that it made you only want to hug him tighter, pull him closer to you and tell him how you actually felt. For once, you might actually have the chance.

"Thank you so much." He smiles, arms retracting to grab his bag off the back of his chair. Your mouth opens to speak but he starts first. "I appreciate it, see you tomorrow."

Youngbae bows his goodbye and quickly leaves before you could even respond.


Your red lips press against each other until your train of thought screeches to an abrupt stop. The bag you brought with you to this recording session is hung over your shoulder. "You alright?" Without turning your head, you nod and continue to pick up the endless amounts of music sheets covered in lyrics YoungBae had scribbled out. "I'm fine," you lie. The second lie you've told today.

The first was when YoungBae asked if you were crushing on anyone in the studio. Obviously you weren't going to answer that truthfully, who would?

"Good, are you on your way out?"

You turn around, papers held in one arm as you smile and step out for him to lock up. "Yeah, thanks. See you tomorrow."

The man nods and waves you goodbye, keys jingling as he turns the key for the night.

You step out into the parking lot and jump to a stop when a loud honk is heard from behind you.
Somehow your car is waiting for you to enter. "Get in!" A familiar voice yells as you approach the rolled down window. Confusion lingers in your eyes. Dark, almost black, irises meet yours with a grin. "Jiyong?" His red hair slicked out of his face and warm laugh makes you look in awe as you open the passenger side door to take a seat. "What- how did you get my car? I was planning on taking a taxi." You laugh at his pleasant surprise.

He raises an eyebrow, glances at you, and starts up the engine. "You know you've really got to stop doing that."
"Doing what?"
"Taking a taxi. You know fans go crazy."
You roll your eyes and rest your head on the glass window. This was how Jiyong liked to surprise you. As your friend, this is his job. To force you to use your car and prevent fans from following you. This, is what Jiyong is an expert at. Making sure that you, his closest female friend, made it home without a creep stalking you home like some of his fans usually did.

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