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Ever since 2009 you have been a VIP. Supporting BigBang and their singing careers just as you were pursuing yours. It was great and all and you were quite famous in America. You did collaborations with almost every artist out there.

But when you suddenly got a call from BigBang's managers for a collab piece, you nearly died. Although you're now twenty-four and not as a big fangirl as you used to be when you were eighteen, you were extatic and immediately said yes.

"So this is your studio?" Jiyong asks after introducing his members and himself. You nod. "Yeah, right now over here is where the soundboard is." Seungri immediately takes a seat in the swively chair and twirls around with a smiling face. "I guess I'll be sitting here." Jiyong glares at his younger and practically pushes him out of the chair. "Aish..."

As a smile spreads across your lips, Seung Hyun suddenly apologises for YoungBae's absence. "He'll be here soon, he's been busy with recordings."

You nod before Jiyong suddenly taps your forearm lightly. "You and YoungBae will be the one's singing for your featuring. Is that okay?"


Nodding silently, you give him an okay. "Cool, no problem."

"Until then, we should play around with your part." As if he had known his way around, Jiyong hands you a pair of purple headphones and instructs you inside the recording booth. When the music begins to play, you look around at the group of boys nervously. Daesung, as usual, smiles and gives you a cheerful thumbs up. Both Seung Hyun's stare with looks of interest while Jiyong moves his head to the beat.

With your eyes closed, you let your voice take over. Your hand on the mic. in front of you,and your senses completely focused on the music in your headphones, you smile slightly when you come to a finish. After opening your eyes, you see all the members clapping. All but one. Youngbae, barely halfway through the doorway stares at you blankly, almost like the look a puppy gives when it's attention is fully focused. What was he doing just standing there? Suddenly Jiyong presses the button that allows you to hear him from outside. "Let's do it one more time, with Youngbae since he's here now."

You nod and ready yourself as YoungBae greets his members and quickly enters into the booth with you.

"Hi, I'm ____."

He smiles cutely and shakes your hand gently. "Hi, I'm Taeyang, but call me Youngbae." You nod. "Okay, Youngbae."


*Taeyang's POV*

As soon as she begins singing next to me, I feel my heart quicken. She runs her hand through her lengthy ___ hair and glances in my direction. To say that she was beautiful, voice and body in all, was far too much of an understatement. She was gorgeous. Beautiful and just as angelic as her voice.

When the time comes for us to sing together, I slowly step closer to the mic. in front of her. At first she doesn't mind our bodies being so close to each other, but when we end of our recordings with high notes that made both of us smile, she immediately chuckles shyly. With my eyes on hers, I smile nervously. The air between us is silent, and strangely comfortable, she suddenly takes off her headphones and leaves me to follow her with my eyes.

The members compliment her generously saying her voice was beautiful and that they wished that they could have made more music with her, but what I wished- what I wished was to only talk to her without feeling butterflies in my stomach like when I usually do. A loud pounding on the glass window wakes me from my thoughts, "Come on get out of there!"

Jiyong and ____ are the only ones left in the room. So when I asked where the others were Jiyong simply said, "We decided to go out for lunch." As I nod, Jiyong suddenly runs to catch up with the rest. He turns around and motions us to hurry up and run too, but my intentions were far from that.

As soon as they were already in the restaurant, I managed to give myself some courage to talk to her. "Hey I was wondering if maybe we could hangout sometime. I'm not really good at finding my way through New York-"

She chuckles and covers her face out of embarrassment. "Youngbae, if you want to go out then just say so."

My eyes open wide in shock. "How did you-?"

She smiles at me cutely and bows her head as a small apology. "You were too obvious."

"Ahh, 진짜?...sorry."

After a few moments of walking shamefully we arrive at the restaurant. My hand pulls the door open for her allowing her to step inside before I do so myself.

Why am I always so nervous around nice girls like this? I really need to stop.


I'm so sorry, I don't know where I was going with this :(( I've been getting some many Tae requests gshajdjjs

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