BigBang + surpise reveal

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"Just pick up some pads."

Seungri looks at the array of multi-coloured packages and sighs. "Which ones they're all different?"

He carefully holds up a package and reads in to his phone's microphone. "This one says heavy."

"Get the ones that are medium."

"How do I know which one that is?"

You switch ears and tilt your head towards your ear. "There should be a little picture on the bottom."

"Jagi, I can't do this they all look the same!"

"Oh my God, Seungri, just pick one!"

"Fine," he says, snatching one off the shelf before anyone could see. He hates the idea of having headlining articles be of him buying pads at the store. "I'll just buy some magazines or something to cover it up."

"Oppa, don't waste your money, just pay for them normally."

"No! No one can know, ____!"

"Fine," you sigh, clicking the TV remote to change channels. "Just hurry up."


Daesung's lips kiss over your stomach as you wince in pain. "Oppaaaa!" You groan as his rubs over your abdomen and his lips meet your cheek.

"괜찮아, 괜찮아." He coos softly, kissing your forehead and nose until you close your eyes. "Do you want me to get you anything? Food, cuddles, a backrub?"

You nod your head yes, tugging him by his shirt so he would lay down next to you. His body bounces lightly off the mattress followed by an abrupt laugh. "You could have warned me-"

You fling your arm over Daesung's built chest, nuzzling your face in to the crook of his neck before he could finish his sentence. With a gentle kiss at the top of your head, Daesung's careful fingers caress your cheek.

"It'll be okay, Jagi, just a few more days. No worries."







"Hmmm." You stare at the piece of dark brown candy dangling from his fingers. The smell of rich cocoa makes your mouth water while normally you would cringe at even the sight of a candy bar. "Yes." You say, snatching the bar of extra calories out of his hand and eating it as if you've never enjoyed sweets before.


Before he could explain that it was your least favourite candy, you had engulfed the whole bar in one bite. "Yah...I thought you didn't like chocolate."

You chuckle and crumple the wrapper between your hands. "I don't."

He stares at you in confusion as you steal a banana from his side and begin eating that too. "Ah," he shakes his head. "Girls are so weird."


"Jagaiya~!" Jiyong's sweet voice sings as he steps through the front door with treats in his hand. "I'm home!"

You glance up at his smiling face to see a bouquet of roses carried gently in his hands. "Cha-chang!" He says cutely, holding them closer to your face so you could have them. "For me? Thank you."

As you take them from his hands, he pulls out another surprise from a bag he had carried in with him. "I also bought ___ ice cream. I know it's your favourite."

A grin sneaks up from your lips and before he could even soak his next words, you jump up from the couch and squeeze him tightly. "Thank you, Ji. I love it."

He smiles and steals a kiss on the cheek. "Anything for you, baby."


"하지마!" YoungBae screams as the box of tissues hits the wall beside his head. "How could you get plain baegels and not everything baegels!"

You scream loudly, swearing and dismantling the bags of food he bought from the store. "Banana pudding?! I like vanilla!"

You pull the six pack of pudding and toss it to his feet. "Ya! YoungBae! What's wrong with you! You know I'm going through a lot right now and you can't even buy the right food?!"

Just as you're about to open the last bag of groceries, something rainbow coloured catches your eye. "Oppppaaaaa~!" You cry, smiling excitedly as you pull out the box of multi-coloured gummy bears.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you!" You rush over to him, squealing as you pull him into a startlingly tight hug. "I thought you might like these." He says, a bit worried at your sudden mood swing. "I think I might like you."


You wink at him and place your palm on his abdomen. "You know, you might be yummy."

"Uh," he blinks, nudging you off because he knows how crazy your hormones can be now. "I don't think now is a good time."

"What about if I just..."

He shakes his head and picks up the pudding from the floor. "Not while you're on your lady thing, you get overly excited. Maybe after."

You whine and pull on the loops of his jeans. "Not even-"

"No, go away."

"You sure?"

He glances down at your face, questioning why you don't get excited to give him head when you're not on your period. "Fine."

"Just this once though. And it's only because you're offering, okay?"

You roll your eyes and lead him to the couch. "Yeah, whatever."


I had to do this type of scenario because once my friend told me that his girlfriend gets really frisky while she's on her period and it just made me laugh so hard. me on the other hand, I don't get any wild period symptoms

ANYWAY, I suppose I'll tell you the surprise now...

I will be...
a new fanfiction!
I've been planning it for a few months now with the help of my bestfriend, and I've decided to start a new story~ I'm excited, but also nervous to see your reactions since there will be a major, crazy, ABSURD twist and I'm sure by the time I finish publishing the story you'll all hate me or, as Taeyang once said, Love Me To Death lololol
Saying that, the next chapter of these scenarios will be the final chapter (worry not my honey buns, I will update more once my soon-to-be-published fic is done and over with). Now I'll just let you all to guess which BB member(s) will be the main character(s), along with their lovely other half which cannot be guessed since, well, they're unguessable.

So, leave your guesses down in the comments and tell me what you think! Are you excited? Ready to bawl your eyes out and yell at your phone/tablet screen? Let me just apologise in advanced, but, I love you guys.

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