Seungri 壁ドン

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HAHHHAHA JK heres 1/2 of the extra imagines I have for you guys ♥♥


"壁どん!" Seungri exclaims as one hand slams against the wall behind you, pushing you against the wall so both of your noses nearly met.


" 壁どん." He repeats, eyes glued to yours until you press your hand on his chest.
"Are you starting to speak Japanese again?"

His body shifts closer to yours. "Mmm, yeah."

"マジで? Really?"


Seungri's lips begin kissing down your neck so softly that you start to laugh when his hot breath brushes against your skin. "Seung Hyun..." You say, gently nudging him away while he nibbles at your ear teasingly.

"Stop," you chuckle, but he only hooks his fingers in the loops of your pants to pull you even closer. He whispers a disappointed "what" before carelessly, placing his palm on the small of your back.

While his lips ghost against your neck and jaw, showering your skin with nonstopping kisses, YoungBae bursts through the studio door and yells loudly, "JIYONG BROKE YOUR HEADPHONES!"

Immediately after hearing the unexpected voice come through the room, you extend your arms out nearly pushing your boyfriend onto the floor. As Seung Hyun manages to regain his balance, he screams out to his hyung in an angry voice "JIYONG HYUNG!"

With your cheeks burning a hot red, both you and Taeyang's eyes magnet towards the floor.
"I didn't mean to-" he begins but gets cut off by your nervous voice

"Let's just pretend-"

He nods and quickly shuffles out of the room
"Good idea!"


:o 壁どん! (Kabedon; ka-beh-dön)
I put a gif I made of T.O.P doing 壁どん since I couldn't find one of Seungri~ the next update will be the last for a while since I'll be working on the new book ♥ don't forget about me since I won't be there to fill up your library updates. For sure I'll miss you guys' hilarious comments :') I'll miss you all. A lot. ♥

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