Daesung's Kisses

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As Daesung's soft full lips suck lightly on the side of your neck, giggles bubble out of you like laughter from a small child. "Oppa stop," you say with your mind thinking the opposite.
Daesung only laughs but continues kissing down your neck and to your prominent collarbone.
"Yah, I said stop!"

You smile as he cheekily looks up at you with a pleased, wide grin. "You really want me to stop?"

"No, but we can't keep going either."
He furrows his brows and pouts disappointedly. "Why not?"

Daesung enlarges his eyes to make his face look sweet and cherubic. "You don't want this?"

You chuckle and turn you face away from him. "Dae, its late. Not tonight."
A smooth hand rubs over your thigh eagerly. "Jagi please~!"

He swiftly leans forward and meets his lips with yours. As you groan lowly in resistance, Daesung kisses your nose and forehead as if this would somehow make you change your mind. And maybe after a few more heated wet kisses and the removal of his shirt, it actually works and you finally find yourself being pressed under him. "Take your pants off." You command but he's already beginning to pull them off.

Just as he's about to peel your shirt from your curved body, a loud laugh bursts through the bedroom door without a knock. You squeal loudly as Daesung covers you with his half nude body, pushing his weight on you. "Yah!" He yells angrily at his Hyung who stares down in awe.

Seung Hyun had walked in while watching a video on his phone. "Oh- Daesung you're home? You're both home? I didn't mean to interrupt I just came to borrow an iPhone charger."

"Hyung." Daesung says as his elder continues to apologise and explain that he didn't know you would be home. "I just wanted to get the charger I'm sorry-"

Daesung's raspy voice errupts from above you. "HYUNG! Its okay, just leave."

"But I need the charger," he mutters with a soft, and surprisingly scared voice.

Daesung sighs, covers his face in annoyance, and speaks sternly. "Then get it."

Seung Hyun stumbles over to the nearest electricity plug and tugs on the white cord. His jeans rustling quietly behind him make your cheeks turn red in secondhand embarrassment. "Thanks." He says, leaving the room and closing the door weakly.

"Well," He breathes, lifting his body from yours steadily. "I can take my pants off now."

You smirk slyly, pulling him closer with your hand wrapped around the back of his neck. "That sounds like a good idea."

;-; I hate school so much oh my god

anyway ily guys so much, please have a good day~ ♥

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