Alcoholic Taeyang

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"____!" Seungri yells.

You immediately drop the cooking knife on to the cutting board, wipe your hands on your jeans and come up behind him.
"It's the drunk." He says, but you just move him aside and stare out at the man standing in your front porch.

"Baby," YoungBae smirks as soon as he sees you. "Hi." You say trying hard to smile at him.
He's a reck. His shirt half off his body and hair just completely messy. Again, he's gone too far.

His eyes stare up at yours and his smile wide and bright. "How are you?" YoungBae slurs, stumbling into your house before sliding off his shoes.
A hand runs through your hair. "I'm fine, obviously you're not. Let me take you to bed."
Seungri scoffs. How are you still doing this for him? Taking him in and treating him like a baby after he gets completely shitfaced. This should only happen once or twice, but now its been happing much more often.

Pulling your glare away from the blonde sitting on your couch, you wrap his arm around your neck. "Come on."

Laughing loudly as he falls on your bed he says, "I'm sorry, ____."
The corners of your mouth turn up. "No big deal, now get some rest."

You kiss his cheek and send him goodnight. I can't do this anymore.


You already know who it is. And you really don't want to answer it. "Coming!" You reply from the living room as you push yourself up from the couch and shuffle over to the door.

Seungri walks out of the doorway leaving you alone with YoungBae again. His red eyes look up at yours instantly following by him coming towards you with wide open arms.

"I'm sorry!," he says. The stench of alcohol stings your senses. "I won't do it again."
YoungBae expected you to wrap his arms back in acceptance. To smile at him like you used to whenever he showed up at your house drunk and out of control. Now when he comes to your doorstep your smile slowly fades. Until today. You couldn't smile any more. You push back on his shoulders staring back into his deep brown eyes. "It's not okay."

He stares at you, dumbfounded. You don't care anymore, you can't see him like this. Especially after continuously telling him to stop drinking. Whenever you confronted him he'd deny it. YoungBae would yell and get angry, screaming at you until your bottom teeth pressed so hard against your top that you were sure your jaw would break.

You chuckle, speaking with a shaky voice. "I'm not a game YoungBae, you can't just keep coming here when your drunk expecting me to smile at you and hug you like that." Hot tears stream down your face in disappointment.

I can't believe I thought he'd actually stop drinking.

Seungri taps your shoulder. "Hey, it's okay I can handle this." He says.

Flashing him a weak smile, you walk away into your room, knees feeling like jello with each step. "____! ____, I'm sorry! Come back!" You hear YoungBae yell when Seungri blocks him from grabbing you. "Hyung, relax." The maknae speaks from over him but he gets no response.

YoungBae tries pushing him, but Seungri stands his ground firm. "____!"

Immediatly the younger pushes him out of your house. "Hyung I think ____ needs sone time alone. I'll call you a cab, okay?"

The drunk man nods his head and sits on the steps on the porch. "Yeah."


YoungBae: I'm not that bad, right?

Seung Hyun #2: Idk hyung, talk to ____...

Seungri puts his phone on the table as you approach him with a plate of breakfast. "Omo, thank you."

You smile and take a seat in the chair in front of him. "No problem, it's the least I could do since your house is under construction." He cuts up the sausage on his plate silently.
"Thanks again."

After finishing your meals, Seungri heads out to run some errands when suddenly your door bell rings.
You look around to check the time on the stove.

1:55 PM

Weird, I'm not expecting anyone. Using your hands to pull off your yellow rubber gloves, you quickly tend to the visitor outside.


You sigh. "YoungBae. You're drunk again aren't you?" You stare at his eyes, eyebrows furrowed and jaw shut tight.
"Actually," his hands shove themselves into the pockets of his black sweatpants. "I'm sober."

"That's a surprise." You mumble, turning your head in a different direction. He meets his eyes with yours. "That's just it, I don't want it to be a surprise. I want you to know that I'll be sober. I'm going to stop drinking, ____."

You fold your arms across your chest. "How do I know you're not just saying this?"

"I'm not just saying this. I'm doing this for you. I'm doing it because I love you. Seeing you so mad at me yesterday made me think, 'is this beer worth it, is it really worth my life?'. It's not."

The sincerity in his voice makes your eyes water and lips curl into a genuine smile. "Alright," you say. "This is your last chance, YoungBae."

He gives you a toothy grin and pulls you into a big embrace. With one hand on the back of your head and another on your back, you nuzzle your face into the dip where his neck and shoulder meet.
"For you, Jagi," He coos softly. A smile forms on your face. He doesn't smell of alcohol and parties, he smells like cologne and fresh shampoo. You just can't help but to feel happy.

His hand carresses your hair gently.
"Only for you."
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