Seungri Strong Baby

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"I'm a strong baby!"
Seungri says, his eyes winking at you as his takes your hand and does a spin on the the wooden floor. His socks allow him to slide easily and before you can tell him to be careful he falls flat on his bare back. "Oppa," you say, laughing a little as you walk closer towards him in your pajamas. He looks up at you and smirks. "I know you love me."

Before he could finish the intro with the infamous "Crack, crack, crack, crack," Seungri lifts his hips up from the floor and thrusts at the air, eyes glued to yours. At first you stare at him with a raised eyebrow until suddenly his thrusts get smoother and his torso begins moving like liquid. "Oppa," you chuckle, pushing your foot against the side of his body. "Get up from the floor its dirty. "

"You want me to get up?" He says, brown eyes sparkling with mischief. "Yeah, hurry up." "Why? You don't like when Oppa moves his hips for you?"

"Lee Seung Hyun-"

"Let's make love tonight 오늘밤 내 눈을 가려줘," he quickly turns over and grinds his hips against the floor. "Okay no, Seung Hyun get up." You say and push his butt down with your foot.

"Okay I see, next time we have sex I'm not going to move my hips for you like that."

You roll your eyes and begun walking back into your bedroom. "Who said there's going to be a next time."

"What do you mean?" He asks worriedly. "_____! Wait what do you mean by that?"

He stumbles to get back on his feet and before yelling out loudly. "What do you mean there won't be a next time?!"

You chuckle, ignoring his loud pleas as you continue picking out your clothes for the day. "Nothing Oppa, just get ready."

"You can't pretend all that didn't happen!" Seungri whines from outside your bedroom. "If you don't get dressed we're really not going to have sex again."

He gulps at the sound of your unfair threat and immediately agrees to leave your apartment to get ready. "Can't I get my clothes from last night so I don't have to go out in my pajamas? Its cold outside."

"It's cold? That sucks, maybe you should have listened when I told you to get up. I'll bring them to you when I meet your house."

Seungri groans and lazily slides on his shoes. "Fine. I'm leaving."

"Bye," you smirk as you pull on a shirt over your head. "Don't forget your wallet."

"Yeah, yeah," he says, snatching it from the table behind him with guilty eyes. You knew he always forgot his wallet, and for that he dreaded having to hear you remind him every time he left your apartment from a sleep over.

"Lock the door too!"

"I got it!" He roars back, sliding his arm back through your front door to lock the apartment from inside. "How the hell does she know?" Seungri mumbles to himself, shoving his hands in the pockets if his long pajama pants.

Before he could casually walk along the side walk like he usually does, he realised he was exposed in pants that were printed in Looney Tunes characters. Immediately Seungri shuffles his feet through the half empty parking lot and jumps in to his car. "She better be joking." He says to himself, turning the keys to the engine and adjusting the volume to the radio.

Then with a sad, more worried voice, Seungri drops his hand from the ignition and speaks softly, "I...I hope she's joking."

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