Taeyang's Hairstylist

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Inspired by VIP's worrying about YB shaving his hair off for "If You" lolol


"Can you believe her?"

YoungBae scoffed and tilted his back on the sofa's leathery cushion. "She asked if we could talk about it at lunch."
"What's the matter with that, do it and talk to her and it." Jiyong says, eyes pasted on the soccer game on TV. France vs. Korea. One of the biggest games of the year.

"I refuse to go out like this. She's already messed up my hair twice this week, I had to get Daesung's stylist to do my hair!"
Jiyong eyes his best friend in disgust. "You're joking. She's a new stylist you can't be so harsh to her."

"I'm not. My hair is pink Jiyong. Pink."

"Psht," Jiyong flicks a stand of YoungBae's pink hair out of his face before looking back at the screen. "It looks fine."
Not to YoungBae it isn't. It's an utter disaster, and he's stuck with it until the next MV filming's.
He sighs, lifts his head, and snatches his iPhone from his side.

"I guess I'll just have to tell her."


"YoungBae Oppa!" You call from a booth farthest from the windows. "Over here!"
YoungBae's brown eyes scan over the room until he finds where your voice is coming from. His fingers quickly tug at the grey beanie covering his head. "Hello." He says after finally walking over to you and sitting in front of you stiffly.

"Should we discuss the colour first or the style? I was thinking-" He cuts you off and leans forward so you could hear his low whisper. "I want it all off."


Clearing your throat with a sip of iced coffee, you stare him blankly and ask him what you had said in your head. "What?"

A small tug pulls at one corner of his pink lips. "I want it all off. Shaved." As he spoke his eyes looked down at yours, sparking with demand. "If you want that then I can do it go for you."

"Good, that's all I want."

"Where are you going?"

He stands up quickly to leave. "I've got to go. See you in a few weeks then?"
You stare at him in awe. "Yeah...?"
He smiles his familiar sunny smile. "Bye."

That was by far, the shortest consultation you have ever had.


Weeks went by and you continued to style your assigned members' hair. Occasionally they would invite you to lunch and call you for help during emergencies (Specifically when one of the members needed a ride home. ), but you didn't mind because the rides were always so quiet since they were almost always with Youngbae. He didn't drive to clubs if he knew that he would be partying hard. Thankfully he had your phone number and called whenever he needed. Surprisingly it was quite a few times that YoungBae needed you to help him with something. But he really didn't bother you so you didn't care if it caused you to drive home late during work nights. But then he started calling you to his house. Mostly to hangout and talk about upcoming styles or to help him with stuff that he said "only girls are good at." Either way, he was beginning to act even stranger.

"I brought you lunch so you can eat while you wait." You say, handing the man sitting in the styling chair a box of his favourite food. Thankfully you knew exactly what he liked to eat. You knew what each member of BigBang looked to eat just by listening to their conversations before and after performances. Sometimes they would make a joke, and as you would be cleaning up a small chuckle would come from your lips. When that happened YoungBae would look at you with a strange look in his eyes. It wasn't like the looks he used to give you when you first started. It was different. Softer. Almost as if he was admiring.

But that wasn't it. Everyone knows he hates you. He hates what you did to his hair and because of that he even switched stylists for a day.

You take a comb and run it through his soft pink hair.
"Thanks." He says and sets it on the counter in front of him. "I'm going to get the scissors now, don't move."

He smiles. "Yes ma'am."

You look smile back before searching your kits and stopping dead in your tracks. He just smiled at me. Is he okay? He's never done that before.

Now that I think about it he's been acting nice since I've taken him home from the club. That was days ago though, he shouldn't still be acting so nice about it.

You glance over your shoulder at him to catch his eyes meeting with yours. Oh shit.

After a while, you pull out the expensive metal pair of scissors and position yourself behind YoungBae's chair. "Are you sure about this?"
He nods. "Never been so sure in my life."
Inhaling deeply, you tie his hair in a ponytail and place the blades at the very top. "Here goes nothing."

Snip. Snip. Snip.
It only takes a few cuts before his hair falls down to the floor around his seat. Next you need to shave his head to a buzz cut. And for that you need something that could make the job a lot easier.

You take out clippers and without hesitation, run it down his head. "Want a fade?"

"You can do that?" He questions childishly. "I can do everything."
A smile spreads across his face before he answers 'yes' and continues to watch you work in the reflection in the mirror.

"Voilà!" You smile, clicking the off switch and placing it to the side. As you wipe the little hairs on his neck and wipe off any on his chest, he checks his newly shaved head in the mirror. "Wow," he stands up and leans closer to the mirror. "I love it. Thank you so much. It's beautiful-"

YoungBae turns around and suddenly bumps into you. With your chest against his and his arms holding onto yours, his deep brown eyes stare into your ____ one's. A short silence falls upon you two. And since you were both the only ones in the room there was nothing to break the quiet besides the sound of YoungBae's voice. "You're beautiful."

You blink, too confused to answer. "What?"

He opens his mouth to speak but stutterers accidentally. "You're beautiful." A soft laugh comes from your lips as you pull your arms away to move from him. "Real funny, YoungBae Oppa. Now let go, it was funny while it lasted."
His hands stay firm into you. "No I'm serious, ____. I think I like you."

His voice is low and steady as he speaks, it almost sounded as if he was confessing this not only to you, but himself. "YoungBae...-"

"I like you. I don't know how, or why but, I'm in love with you."

You shake your head. "No. That's impossible. You can't love me, you hate me. Ever since I started working here you hated me."
His grip on your arms become weaker allowing you to pull away and force your mind to think about something else. Your begin packing away your equipment.

"____ look at me."

He calls your name from behind you. "____, please look at me."
Suddenly he turns you around by the arm and presses his soft lips against yours. For a moment you just let him kiss you. His hand reached up to caress the side of your face, you finally kiss back. Your lips against his make your heart beat loud against your ribcage.

YoungBae pulls away first, his forehead rests against yours with his palms still framing your cheeks. With a hot breath he whispers down to you "____, I love you."

Lips parted, and eyes still completely closed, you kiss him once more as you place your hand on the back of his smooth neck.
"I love you too, YoungBae."


Lololololololololol here you go :') ily guys

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