Imagine: He's Showering

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Imagine he's showering and he calls you over...


As you're cooking you hear a loud thump coming from somewhere else in your apartment. "Oppa?"

"Help!" His deep voice groans sounding even lower than usual. You drop the ladle into the pot you had been stirring and rush over to the steaming room. "What is it? Are you okay?" He pokes his head through the curtains, the ends of his bleached hair dripping water onto the floor. Dimples stretch across his cheeks before he laughs and looks up at your worried face.

"I fell."


"Can you get me a towel please?" YoungBae shouts loudly from the shower across the hall. You roll off your bed and head towards the closet before walking towards the bathroom with a towel in hand. "I'll put it on top of the sink," you say as you place down the white towel before suddenly being stopped by his voice. "Wait," he says moving the upper part of his torso out past the tub.

"Join me."


You're in the shower as Jiyong sits outside the door waiting for you to come out since you wouldn't let him shower with you. "Please let me in," he whines but you continue with your shower. "Oh come on (y/n), I'm sorry."

He drags his hand down the wooden door faking a sob when suddenly it opens. He smirks, jumps up on his feet and walks through. You hear the door click open and look past the curtain right at him. "You better get out Jiyong!"

His lips curl in a mischievous grin as he closes the door with his body.

"Too late."


You're lying on your bed, a book in your hands which you haven't been able to get your nose out of for days. As you scan over every word on the page something suddenly catches your attention out of the corner of your eye. Daesung who had just come out of the shower has nothing but a towel wrapped around his waist.

Dropplets of water drip down his light brown hair and fall on the plains of his toned body. You stare at him, hiding your face in embarrassment as you realise that he is nearly naked.

As much as you wanted to look away you keep your eyes on him. When he looks through the drawers his back muscles flex.

Then suddenly he turns around, his eyes meeting yours before you shove your face back in the pages of your book.

"Ah, (y/n) I'm sorry, am I making you uncomfortable?"

You peek up at him and find him smiling sweetly. "Um no..."

"Good." He laughs and continues to get dressed.


"(Y/N)!" Seungri calls as he walks around the house in search for any sight of you. You groan in response. He opens the bedroom door and finds you falling asleep on the bed. He slowly lowers his body over yours, his breath brushing at your cheeks before his presses his lips against yours. "Wake up." He whispers in your ear causing you giggle and face your head in the other direction. "Come," he says, taking your hand and pulling you up towards the bathroom in silence. "I'll help you wake up."

"Awe, you prepared a bath for me?" Your eyes start to light up and you begin to smile.

"No," he chuckles closing the door behind you before pushing your back against the door.

"It's something even better."


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Hi! If you've read TOP Secret then you already know who I am, if not, my name is Gabby :D and I love BigBang just like you!

Anyway, this is a bunch of imagines and I will be taking requests through messaging or through my wall on my profile. They can range from PG to 18+ ;) I'll be thankful even if I only get one request ._.

Thank you so much! I'll be updating Every Wednesday & Sunday!

Ily guys!

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