Seungri Road Trip

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Imagine you and BigBang have decided to take a road trip while they would be taking a break from promoting


Since we left New Jersey yesterday Daesung and Seung Hyun have been playing cards while Youngbae and Jiyong went straight to bed without a word. Since both Jiyong and Youngbae had to stay up driving while we got to sleep, they get a full day off.

"Maknae! Tell SeungHyun Hyung the rules for the game, he keeps cheating." Daesung yells at your boyfriend who chuckles and switches lanes. "Slap the Jack when you see it, Hyung." Seung Hyun whines like a child and exclaims loudly that it's 'not fair.'

"Hyung, rules are rules."

Daesung gives his elder a smirk and continues to re-shuffle the cards.

"It's getting late," you say, moving his hair out of his eyes and kissing his cheek. "Do you want me to drive?" Seungri shakes his head and glances at you sitting in the passenger seat. "It's fine, I got it."

He continues to drive, hours passing by slowly with the radio being the only thing you would both hear. After a while of strange silence, you realise that the two playful men had finally fallen asleep.

"I'm going to check on them, I'll be right back." You push up from your seat by the arm rests and walk back into the main area. Daesung's head rests against the window next to him, His eyes are closed and his hands are folded across his chest. Seung Hyun, who was now resting his head on his band member's shoulder, snored softly. You stared at them a bit puzzled.

How would they end up next to each other since they were playing cards? Were they actually planning on sleeping out here?

Whatever it was, you surely weren't going to move them. So without hesitation, you walked to the back of the RV to where Jiyong and Youngbae were sleeping to grab pillows and a big enough blanket for the two to share. Jiyong is sleeping on his stomach, his fae inches away from kissing YoungBae. You chuckle to yourself and instinctively, you pull out your phone to take a picture. "Perfect."

After grabbing the things you came in for, you quietly close the door behind you and look at the boys who have not even moved a centimeter since you left. Sighing, you take a pillow and gently move it between Deasung's head and the window. For Seung Hyun, you carefully lift his head and put a pillow under Daesung's shoulder. A soft purple blanket you found gets placed over their bodies before smiling to yourself and going back to riding shotgun. "Babe, are you sure you don't want me to drive?"

Seungri smiles as you sit down and nods. "I'm fine, ___ really."

You sigh, raise your eyebrow and give him a slightly annoyed 'okay.' "I just can't wait until tomorrow." One of Seungri's hands remove themselves from the steering wheel and place themselves in yours. He squeezes your hand gently. "What are we doing tomorrow."

You laugh. "Sleeping."

He glances at you and smirks. "Oh that's right, we get to sleep in the bedroom tomorrow." Your eyes follow the line of trees along the road as you zoom by. "Yeah." "You know what that means?" He asks, his voice suddenly becoming lower and more secretive.

You know what he means just by hearing the distinct tone in his voice. "No, we are not having sex in the RV, Seungri." He looks over at you quickly. "Why not? It'll be fun."

"How is having sex and not being able to make noise fun? I said no okay. We're not doing it."

He purses his lips and smiles mischievously. "What about if I told you that the boys are planning on going out while we're 'asleep'?"

You open your mouth in shock. "What? How do you know?" "I heard Jiyong talking about it. So now that means we can have sex, and you can't say no because now you have no reason to."

You glare at him. "Seung Hyun you really are too sexually needy." He chuckles, bringing the back of your hand up to his mouth and kissing it softly."At least I'm only sexually needy with you."

You roll your eyes and put your clasped hands back in your lap. "Whatever."


"Hyung, hello? Hyung can you hear me? Please hurry up! Can you hear me? 빨리빨리!"

Daesung glares at the door you and Seungri were behind. "Hyung I hear moans, hurry uuuuuup!" Daesung suddenly hears you moan his band member's name and cringes. "OH MY GOD IF YOU GUYS ARE NOT HERE IN 5 MINUTES I SWEAR I AM GOING TO DRIVE AND LEAVE YOU IN GEORGIA!" Daesung hangs up the call and slams his head on the table in front of him. "Why, God? Why me? I should have never decided to stay."


Daesung puts his hands over his ears and groans in disgust. "Gross."


Alright but seriously Seungri you need to control your urges, my boy

:') let's all pray for Kang Daesung because he had to deal with knowing his maknae get's some booty and probably has to sleep in that bed sooner or later


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