Daesung's candles

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Enjoy some Dae-daddy :')

You hear a knock at your door with a soft voice to follow.
Stumbling through the dark living room, you manage to make your way to your front door using a dim candle. "Hi."

A warm smile greets you as the door opens revealing your neighbour, Daesung. "Well, I guess by the look of things around here, you're also experiencing a power outage?"

You chuckle and push your hair out of your face shyly. Daesung is actually standing right in front of my house. He's spoken to you before. Usually you'd talk when you're grocery shopping and you'd bump into him when suddenly a small conversation would bubble up. Those times are the most common. But today, its the first time he's actually come up to you.

"I was wondering, since you always say you're looking for candles at the store, that maybe you'd have an extra for me?" He flashes his white teeth at you before his eyes turn into the shape of half moons. "Yeah," you say. "Come in, I'll find you one."

Most people would think that this isn't such a big deal. Your neighbour just wants to borrow a candle. But the thing is, this isn't just any neighbour, this is Kang Daesung; the guy that makes your heat flutter whenever your eyes meet.

You let him enter your house, guiding him to a sofa so he could sit while you go search though a storage closet.
"I'll be right back, if there's anything else you need...?"

"May I get some water?"

The corners of your mouth turn up. "Yes of course, if you can find you way to the fridge over there you'll find some water bottles."

He nods before you walk off with your candle in hand. Immediately when you reach the closet your hands begin searching frantically. Occasionally your foot would bump the candle you set down on the floor, causing you to nervously sqeal in hopes that your leg hasn't caught on fire.

"Everything alright?"
Daesung chines up from behind you, his soothing voice oddly calming your nerves more than startling you. "Yeah, I just- found one!"

With a smile plastered on your face, you pull the candle hidden between blankets and quilts that you had only put away a few weeks ago. "Here you go." You say as you hand it to him.

He takes it in his hands and stares at the creme coloured wax. "Do you have a lighter?"

"Oh um, yes."

Quickly closing the cabinet, you head back towards your kitchen. Instinctively you find the correct drawer and pull out the red-handled tool. Your index finger shakes as you pull on the trigger and point it at the string. Nothing happens.

"I'm not getting a spark," you mutter only to turn back and look for a new one. Daesung stares at the back of your  shirt, his eyes shutting tightly before taking in a deep breath and tapping your shoulder to turn you around. "Here," he breathes. "Let me try."

Without warning, his full pink lips meet yours. You look at his closed eyes until slowly yours close too. Daesung's hands come up to caress the sides of your smooth face. Kissing you more passionately than you could ever imagine, he suddenly pulls away with his forehead pressed against yours. "How about now?" He asks, hot breath brushing your wet lips that only craved for more.

You hadn't noticed your hands were running through his dark brown hair until you finally smile and open your eyes. "Yeah," you say.

"I felt the spark."


I think this might be one of the cutest Daesung imagines I've written in a long time :o guys don't forget to message me your requests! I'll be taking them in my inbox and message board!
Ily, bye~!

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