Imagine: You're pregnant

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Imagine you're pregnant with his baby...


Too excited to fathom words into a sentence, Seung Hyun smiles brightly at you. "So what do you think it's a girl or boy?"

He furrows his brows, places his ear over your stomach and stays there listing for a bit.

"Honestly," he says as he sits up. "I'll be happy about either one."


He puts his hand on the tiny bump your stomach formed. "I think...," he squints his eyes slowly lowering his head towards your belly. He rubs your stomach as if to look through a crystal ball. "Its a girl," he states with full seriousness. "I feel it."


You call Jiyong over to tell him for the first time that you were pregnant with his child.

"Yes?" He walks into the living room with is lyricbook in one hand, a pen in the other. "Sit here please, I need to tell you something important."

He raises an eyebrow. "How important."

You look deep into his dark brown eyes. "Very."

He immediately sits down beside you and drops his notebook on the table. "What's wrong?"

You clear your thoat and watch his hands fidget as you do so. " see...," You begin.

He leans closer to you, his eyes sparkling more with each second you held on to the answer he eagerly waited to hear. "I'm pregnant."

He stays silent.

Blank. Still.

Then suddenly he grabs both sides of your face and kisses you sweetly.



He grabs your hands and with the straightest face possible asks if you can name it after him.

"No." You say simply but he continues to imply otherwise. "Pleeeease!" He moves his face closer to yours, blinking his eyes and pouting his bottom lip sweetely until you turn away completely defeated.

"Fine," you sigh. "Only if it's a boy."

He laughs loudly. "Did you expect our daughter to be named Daesung?" You glare up at him and chuckle lightly.

"Dae I expected you to want to name our child Doramon."


He grins widely after you tell him.

"What are you doing?" You ask as his smirk curls even wider.

"So it worked huh?"

"What are you talking about?"

He winks at you and bites is lip. "I got you pregnant. It worked. I did you good."

You hit him on his chest with your fist and scold him loudly. "Yah!" You yell loud enough for the other members to hear from their rooms.

"Why are you guys so loud?" A sleepy YoungBae emerges from his room agitated because of the commotion.

"I'm pregnant. I mean- We're pregnant." Seungri stutters with a nervous laugh before covering his face in embarrassment.



Hi bbys, what would you name your child if you had one with one if the BB members?

Comment your answer below and don't forget to vote please!

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