Vacation with BigBang

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After packing your bags and hulling them out into the living room Seung Hyun glares at you silently with confusion printed on his face. "Where are you going?" He asks, still unaware of the sudden change of plans.

You glance down at your huge black duffel bag, unsure of how to answer. "I uh... We decided-"

"She's coming with us to Jejudo."

YoungBae says simply as he tugs on your bag and takes it out to the car trunk. "But this is for the guys only," his baby face frowns with dewy round eyes. "Well," you smile shyly, holding your hand in the other. "Now you're also going with me."
Seung Hyun throws his head back and groans. "Ughhhhhh."

"Hey!" You scold. "If I don't go who's going to keep you from getting overly drunk?"

×Taeyang ×

YoungBae immediately behind packing his bags days before the trip. "Now that you're coming with us we need extra room for your pants."

Your jaw drops. "Hurry, fold up a few pairs of jeans for the week."
YoungBae continues walking around the room frantically trying to find where you put your backpack. "YoungBae its 90°(F) outside, I'm not wearing jeans."

He turns around to have his eyes meet yours. "Yes you are. You're not going to be wearing shorts, or a bathing suit. As a matter of fact-"

He quickly goes to his dresser and pulls out a pair of plaid boxers. "Here, wear these when we go to the pool."

He tossed you the cotton clothing and smiles. "Now get your pants, we're leaving soon."
Rolling your eyes as you shove the extra piece of clothing in your bag, you reach to pull out your already packed shorts. "YoungBae you really are too overprotective."

"Hey!" He scolds. "I don't want people to see what's only mine."


After finally coordinating driving arrangemts Jiyong calmly places your bag in the trunk and slams it shut. "Ready?" He asks, returning around to find you and Daesung jumping up and down in excitement, hands interlocked tightly.

"Then I can blow dry your hair!" You gasp. "I want to see what you'd look like with a manbun!" Daesung's agreeing laughter makes Jiyong stare in breathtaking shock. "Great," he mutters to the youngest band member to his side. "I thought we were going on a trip, not a sleepover. "

"Hyung," Seungri shyly begins. "It might not be that bad." Jiyong's brown eyes dart towards the younger's sternly. "Great. Now you too."


After going on a long flight and arriving to Jiyong's parents' condo, you immediately fall on to the memory foam beds and hug the cool pillows tightly. As sigh of relief escapes past your lips Seungri jumps next to you and pulls you to his chest. "So." He winks. A smirk pulling the corners of his mouth like a puppeteer had tugged on his strings. "Do you think-"


He furrows his dark coloured eyebrows in confusion. "You didn't even know what I was going to say?"

"You don't have to say anything. No."

"But-" He says, beginning his protest before getting a finger pressed to his lips. "I said no."

"Fine," He mumbles. "I'll just let you sleep." After gently moving you off of his body, he tiptoes out of the room and carefully takes his car keys from your purse.

"No." You say, eyes still completely shut with sleep.

Seungri let's out a loud, childlike whine. "But I was just going-"



As you're all sitting in the open space of the comfy white themed living room, Daesung and you are planning on how to sneak out tomorrow night. "When Taeyang falls asleep then we can go out through our window and-"

"But our room is on the second floor?"

You wave away his question and continue on. "Then we can climb down the wall using a rope we can make from blankets."

He chuckles and leans back in the black leather chair. "Don't you think you've been watching too many crime movies? Let's just go out the front door."

You sigh and rest your chin in your hands. "That's too boring."
"Its better than risking our lives." He whisper sternly. "Fine, fine," you say. Your body moving forward in your seat as your hand covers the side of your mouth to whisper in his ear.

"When Taeyang falls asleep we can drag them all into one room and lock the door from the outside so we can go and-"

"____," Daesung sighs hopelessly. "We're going out the front door."

"Fine." Disappointed that you could not continue with either of your plans, you lean back in the chair and murmur silently. "My idea was better though."


Ah, school is so stressful :c I hope you all continue to read to my stories and support them no matter what, I love you all~ ♥

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