Nyongtory fighting over you

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Imagine G-Dragon & Seungri both like you so they argue over you


"Seungri-ya!" Jiyong yelled to his younger who immediately began walking away after an unfinished heated conversation.
"I told you to leave her alone."

Seungri snarls. Squints his eyes at his hyung and turns away back on his path to finding you. "How about we both stop talking to her then. Would that make you happy?"
"That's fucking stupid."

"Exactly, now how about you leave me alone and you stop flirting with her."

Jiyong almost hits him in the face bit restrains but closing his eyes and taking a deep breath in. "She is older than you."

"And your last girlfriend was two years younger than you but I'm not saying shit."

"What are you trying to say, Seungri?" He stares at his member blankly. "I'm saying who are you to tell me who I can and can't like."

"I'm not saying that, Seungri! You can like whoever, but not ____ because I like her."

A monotone laughter bursts out of Seungri mouth. "You really are a bastard, aren't you?"

Jiyong's eyes lock onto his. "What did you call me?"

"I called you a bastard. You really are munipulitive, huh? Bitch..."
His eyes widen as he inhales and watches as his younger turn to leave the room.

A mumbled swear word stumbles under his breath at Seungri. "I'll leave first."

Suddenly Jiyong's fingers squeeze around Seungri's wrist, pulling him back until the maknae's eyes cut to his elder's dark, angry, pupils.

"Let go of me Jiyong."

Both of their eyes are stuck on each others as Seungri growls his words informally and tries pulling away. "You little-"

"Hey I might be leaving soo- what's going on?" You chuckle, walking in the room to find both men stating at you shocked with wide eyes. "_____" they practically stutter in unison. Jiyong removes his strong grip and walks up to you. "You're leaving?"

His flaming orange hair that was once slicked back out of his eyes, suddenly has messy bright strands framing his face. "I have things to do before work tomorrow."

Seungri looks at you eagerly. "I can drive you home?"
"I was going to call a taxi."

"Don't worry about it, I'll take you."

A small smile of appreciation spreads across your lips. "Thanks."
As you glanced at Jiyong you notice that his eyes were staring at Seungri in what almost seemed to be jealousy. For a moment they exchanged looks, blinked slowly, and clenched their jaws as if they were challenging each other to fights.

You clear your throat and shove your phone back in your pocket.

"We should get going."
You nod and Seungri adverts his eyes to the coffee table where his keys sat. Without a sound from Jiyong, the older man adjusts his white graphic T-shirt, and smiles at you shyly. "See you for dinner tomorrow?"

Seungri, who's walking back with his keys in hand, stops in his tracks and darts his eyes at you two. "What's that? You're going on a date tomorrow?"

You laugh, feeling your cheeks burn a hot red, your arms come up in defence. "No, no. We're just gonna hang out after work, nothing big. If you want you can jo-"

Jiyong cuts you off before you could finish. "Do wear something nice tomorrow. We'll be going to my favourite restraunt and I'd like to see you in something more... formfitting."

Your teeth bite on to your bottom lip gently. "You really are a flirt, Ji."

He shoots you his infamous gummy smile and wink. "I know."

"Too much of one." You hear Seungri mutter as he rolls his eyes before suddenly catching your glance. "I-I mean ah, let's go. Its getting late."

With a bow to Jiyong, you both leave the room to the parking lot in the back.

"What was all that!"

As a voice that sounds almost unfamiliar suddenly storms into the room behind Jiyong, the orange haired man jumps up instinctively and yelps. "Are you two really fighting over her?"

Seung Hyun follows behind YoungBae with a smirk on his face. "What are you guys doing here?"

"We decided to check up on you guys but heard something much mind interesting instead."

Daesung shakes his head disapprovingly. "As soon as he called you a bastard I would have lost it."

"I almost did." Jiyong mumbles quietly, too low for the others to hear.

This wasn't the first time him and Seungri gave gotten in fights over you. Everyday until today it had been verbal. Name callings. Threats. Things that everyday boys would say to get the girl he wants.

When Jiyong pulled Seungri by the arm they both had looked at each other so shocked neither one knew what to do. Jiyong knows Seungri could probably kick his ass, all that ju jitsu was clearly paying off. And Seungri knows that if you get on the bad side of the Kwon Leader you were immediately looked at differently.

Neither boy knows what will happen tomorrow afternoon in the studio. But Jiyong damn sure knows that he won't let the maknae leave with the girl he is desperately in love with.

as an apology for this horrible chapter, I put in a lovely nyongtory video...

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