Imagine G-Dragon...

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Imagine you surprise jiyong with lingerie...


You stared at your reflection in the mirror, fixing your hair with a nervous look plastered on your face.

A few weeks ago Jiyong bought you lingerie as a birthday gift saying that this was his favourite out of the whole store. Of course you couldn't deny it, he was a natural fashionista.

Your train of thought halts to a stop when you hear the keys shifting in the door knob. Quick to hide his soon-to-be surprise, you button up the rest of his white dress shirt and lay down on your bed.

Oh my god what am I doing?

With your head suddenly telling you to jump up and get dressed, you hear Jiyong open the front door. It's far past too late to turn back now.

"Babe, you home? I have something to tell you." Jiyong places his backpack on the glass countertop in the kitchen and takes off his shoes. Usually by now you'd be sitting in the livingroom reading a book or cooking dinner in the kitchen so to not find you in your usual spot was a huge surprise.

"____?" His hand reaches for the knob to your bedroom door and immediately you heart begins to beat faster. You hear the blood rush to your cheeks when he stands in the door way and smiles. "Hey, what are you doing in here?"

With a cat grin sneaking to you lips, you stand on your knees and grab his hands closer towards the bed. "What-"

You kiss him roughly to keep him quiet, "Shut up."
His arm snakes around your waist as he pulls away and stares at you curiously, a smirk tugging at his lips.

"What's this for?" He pulls at the bottom of your over sized shirt and bites his bottom lip.

"It's my way of saying you really need to relax." Your hands guide his to the collar around your neck. He chuckles. "Relax for what?"

You cock an eyebrow at him. "Don't be stupid, Ji. You've been working so hard this past few months. I think you deserve a break."

Slowly his fingers start to undo the top of your shirt, a soft kiss paced on your jaw as he does so. As much as you wanted him to hurry up and take your shirt off, you just watched until he finally revealed the black laced bra and corset.

His breath hitches and you can't help but smile when you notice how immediately eager he's become. Without hesitation Jiyong gently pushes you back on the bed, the cool white sheets brushing against your skin. "How about," he begins to say as he crawls over you like a predator about to kill it's prey. "I take a break a later."

A smile spreads across your face and you nod. "Okay."


Your hands move down his shirt covered chest and greedily hook your fingers into the top of his jeans waist band. He pulls away and raises a cheeky eyebrow at you and looks down at your hands, you had never been so forward before, he liked it.

Your hands lace through his dark hair and you throw your head back and moan as he kisses down your neck. You feel your lower region throb for attention and the thin fabric of your underwear moisten.

He kisses your neck as he begins rubbing circles over your covered . You moan and he moves his face in front of yours, watching your every expression. His hand pulls down your underwear, but leaves your bra on. His fingers slide through your lips and you quiver, he enjoys the sight of your needing face.

He gives you a kiss, but pulls back to see your face as he slides two fingers inside of you.You moan and throw your head back and he begins to leave marks on your neck again.

"Oppa" You breath out and he gets your hint, moving his fingers in and out of you at a quicker speed. He adds a third finger and you scream out his name. He smirks once again and chuckles.


"Shh, I'm not letting you off so easy. Take my belt off" He says standing up straight. You push yourself up and he leans against it as you crouch down in front of him and unbuckle the belt on his faded jeans. You undo the button and slowly pull them down. You see his erection through his black boxers and bite your lip, pulling the cloth down until it was fully off.

He smirks as he looks down at you through his half lidded eyes.

"Look at me," Jiyong orders and you gaze up at him. Immediately his fingers pull onto the black ribbon of your corset until he finally pulls it off along with your underwear.

"Ready?" He questions, but all you can answer with is a small gasp. Before you could even speak he thrusts himself into you forcing a moan to loudly spill out of your mouth.

He groans and quickly increases his pace. Jiyong's hands run over every curve of your body. His lips meeting yours so you wouldn't be so loud.

Slowly he pulls your hands over your head and interlocks his fingers with yours, "Fuck."

You turn your head to the side unable to withstand the pleasure waves flooding over you. "___ look at me," he says kissing at your collarbones.

You try to look at his face but every time he thrusted you just wanted him to go in deeper. "Faster, Oppa please."
His hot breath hits your neck and he does as told, thrusting into you and kissing you between deep pleasure filled moans. Your back suddenly arches as you feel the knot of nerves in your stomach unravel. And with one last thrust of his you both came to your end as you scream his name.

A few seconds later he lays down next to you and pulls you to him. "So what did you want to tell me?" You say after finally regaining your natural breathing pattern. He chuckles and brushes your (h/c) hair out if your face. "I forgot to tell you, that the boys will be here soon."

Your eyes widen and you suddenly bolt up. "Oh my God." You practically squeak as you run to the closet to pull on sweatpants and a t-shirt.


"They're here."

Jiyong sits up and runs a hand though his hair. "How do you know?"

"I thought I heard the front door open but I wasn't really sure."

Jiyong then drags himself of the bed, and quickly pulls on his pants. A swear word comes from under his breath.

"Yah!" He yells as he walks out of the room completely topless. You follow behind him, almost falling because your knees felt as if they would give out.

"Mmm Oppaaaa faster!" A fake moan laughs from the living room. You both turn your heads to see Seungri mocking you from the couch. "Shut up," you scold as you begin to walk up to him but feel your knees wobble. "What's that? Oppa hit it too hard?"

You glared at the maknae trying hard not to attack him. Suddenly you heard Jiyong chuckle behind you.

Slowly you turn back and glare into his laughing eyes. Is he really laughing at this?

"Sorry." He says, clearing his throat.
When you turn away to yell at Seungri, YoungBae walks up to his best friend and nudges his shoulder. "You didn't ask her yet did you?"

Jiyong glances down at YoungBae, "Not yet."


me :))))))

lol anyway, hope you enjoy the cliffhanger

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