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*listen to the music for extra feels, its in the media box ^^^ & can be played by tapping the mic. during the first sentence of the story*

Music: 'Halo ft. Baby Don't Cry ft. Oh Mom'

Your fingers run across Daesung's smooth skin slowly. His eyes are focused on the television in front of him, too lost in the drama to even notice how you've been staring at his scars for a while now.

For about the hundredth time today your fingertips brush against the rough patch of skin on his arm. At first you think he had flinched, but when you look up to catch his eyes staring down at you, you realise that he's just noticed what you were doing.

"What's wrong?" He asks. "Your eyes are wet."

You blink a few times and retract your hands from his arm. "Nothing's wrong, I'm fine."
With your eyebrows furrowed, thoughts swirling through your head, you turn forwards and wipe your cheek.

Is that a tear?

Immediately Daesung leans closer to you and attempts to make you face him. "Look at me," his soft voice demands gently. "No."

"____, what's wrong? Why are you crying?"

You try to answer reasonably without stuttering or choking on your words, but the truth is, you aren't really sure why you are crying. Its as if looking at all the marks left on his body had suddenly made you remember things that you had forced yourself to forget.

Daesung's fingers under your chin guide you to look at him.
As soon as his light brown eyes meet yours tears begin streaming down your cheeks effortlessly.

Suddenly flashes of past experiences flooded your mind.

You remembered how he would sit in his hospital room, laughing at jokes you told to make him feel better only to end up sleeping in the chair with him until the next morning. Thankfully the nurse was nice enough for you to have a one night stay. You would draw little whiskers on the badages around his face and hearts on the tape for his nose. For days he would only smile through his pain until he was finally granted his leave.

"Are you okay?" Daesung's voice suddenly brakes your train of thought. But you don't answer. You continue looking in his eyes hearing nothing but the sound of your shaky breathing.

"Daesung let me in."

You were standing in front of Daesung's bedroom door, banging against the barrier separating you two.

"I'm sorry," he repeated. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry..."
He quietly to himself over and over until you somehow managed to push through the door. He was sitting on the ground, his hair caught in fistfuls as tears flooded over his cheeks and onto his shirt.
You had never seen him like this.

"Daesung," you coo softly, wrapping your arms around his body with one hand holding the back of his neck. He continued to sob into the nook of your shoulder, loud and unsteady until he finally formed words between breaths.

"I-I said I'm sorry."

"____, answer me. Are you okay?" Daesung was now practically yelling your name so loud that you actually jumped in shock. Your eyes glance around the room until his face butts in front of yours. "What happened? You wouldn't answer me. Are you okay?"

Quickly wiping your tears from your face, you sniffle lightly and adjust yourself in your seat. "I'm fine. I just...I don't know."

Your eyebrows furrow a bit as Daesung suddenly places his hand over yours. The warmth from his touch makes your eyes meet slowly. He always does this when he wants you to feel safe, this or a huge hug from behind; you liked either one. "You can tell me," he says. "You can tell me anything."

At first you choke on your words. Too unsure as to how you should say them without sounding too...sad. "These scars," you begin softly. "They remind me of when you were in the hospital. Both times you were sitting there in pain, but only one time did you actually smile."

"____..., please." His soft fingers rub against the back of your hand gently. "You cried for days. You never spoke to anyone and when they tried to talk to you through your bedroom door all they could do was-"

You suddenly clenched your jaw and closed your eyes to calm yourself. "All they could do was cry. All I could do was cry."

"But its over now, we don't need to go back to this."

You were now too caught up in your feelings to stop. "What you went through, I wouldn't wish upon my worst enemy and you deserve to know that." With your eyes stuck on his, you wiped your eyes and bit your lip unsurely. "I don't don't ever want you to go through that again, Daesung."

His eyes, searching yours suddenly begin to tear. His Adams apple twitches as he swallows the tears that he refused to let out. "I love you." You say, reaching your hand to caress the side of his smooth left cheek.

As tears suddenly stream down his face, a smile tugs at his lips when he quickly pulls you into a warm embrace. His cologne sends your stomach fluttering with uneasy butterflies and his hands holding, you firmly, makes you feel nothing but safe.

For a minute you both stay there, melting into each other as if time had stopped and the world no longer existed.

Too lost in his embrace, you are almost startled when you finally hear him speak.

"I love you, ___. Thank you."

Whether it's a thank you for being there for him or a thank you for loving him, you don't care. All you want to say is thank you back because without him, you are nothing, and without you...he would feel nothing.


If you heard the song tell me what you think!
I found it a few months ago and it made me v emotional thank you so much for supporting me!

VIP's fighting!

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