Imagine Seungri

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Imagine Seungri and cute couple stuff...


"____, you're not still mad at me are you?" Seungri whines as he pushes his face in front of your book.

You shrug your shoulders silently. "Come on... You can't be that mad, it's not like they don't like you."

No reply.

"Jagi're not mad right?"
He stares at you with his wide panda eyes. "I don't know, am I?"

He groaned, and without hesitation snatches your book out of your hand and sits in your lap. "Hey-" you start to say but you suddenly burst out in laughter as he attacks your sides, tickling you viciously.

"Answer me~!" He says before leaving butterfly kisses allover your face.


Yesterday Seungri introduced you to one of your favourite groups before mercilessly telling them an embarrassing story about you. "Fine," he says, "but I'm not stopping until you say that you're not mad at me."

It only took you a few more seconds before you laughed out in defeat, "Fine fine, I'm not mad at you!"

He chuckles in the nape of your neck. "Good."

He props himself up on his elbow so he could look down into your eyes, "I love you." He whispers softly as his fingers brush hair out of your face and behind your ear. "I love you too."

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