Kiss G-Dragon

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**fluffy/sexy Jiyong **
Mostly sexy but who cares lol


"Baaaabe~!" A voice calls from your side, in a low, almost sad whine.
Without even looking away at your computer screen you mumble out a small "Yes?".
As your fingers type in data on premade forms, Jiyong rests his head on your shoulder. "Babe."

"What?" You reply coldly.
"BaAAAAAAaaBe!" You drop your hands from the keyboard and stare into Jiyong's glowing brown eyes. "What."
"Kiss me."

You glare at him for a second. Seriously?
"Jiyong I'm busy I don't have time to mess around right now." You continue to enter names and prices without even looking back at his saddened expression.

His face finds its way to your neck, "Kiss please."
Your body wiggles away in the opposite direction. "No."

He kisses the spot where your neck and shoulder met causing you to slightly smile without him noticing. "Jiyong stop."
His soft thin lips kiss your collar bones in a pace that would be equivalent to a snail. Goosebumps send shivers down your arms and allover your exposed skin. "Please Jagi?"

Jiyong's mouth moves from your neck to your jaw where his hot breath against your contrasting cold skin made you squeak out a small 'nya'. "Ya, Jiyong seriously. I need to finish these."

"I'll let you finish once you give me a kiss." He says, his smooth face less than inches away from yours. You turn your head away, "Never."
"Fine," he says. "Then you're stuck with me annoying you."

He begins kissing your cheek, nose, and forehead continuing until he suddenly places his right arm on the other side of you. "Ji--you're going to make me drop the laptop."

He kisses your earlobe, a ticklish spot of yours, and bites it softly. "I'll buy you a new one."
The silver chain around his neck brushes against your chest as he proceeds to shower you in small kisses. "Jagi if you don't kiss me I'll be forced to so something else."

With his soft voice whispering in your ear, you open your eyes that you had not realised were closed, and look him threateningly. A smirk is tugging at his lips. He knew that either way, he would win. Whether you let him have a kiss or not, he would still win.

"Fine," you sigh tiredly. "Come here."
He grins like a cat and immediately obeys by moving his face closer to yours. At first Jiyong simply presses his soft lips against yours before beginning to kiss you even more passionately. His eyes are closed as you gave in to him and finally let him get what he wanted. Jiyong's teeth suddenly tug at your bottom lip gently. "Did you just bite me?" You say as you pull away chuckling softly.

He pecks you lips wetly and smiles, pleased at his own accomplishment. "Yeah, did you like it?"

A rosy colour tints your cheeks. "I-" you stutter unsure of what to say. "I guess. I don't know."

He laughs cheekily showing his infamous gummy smile as he lays back down on the bed and turns back to the TV. "Well I could bite more that just your lips."

You stare at him with wide eyes and an open mouth. "O-omo."

The last thing you hear from him is a small laugh and the faint click of him changing the channel with the TV remote. "You're such a tease, aren't you, Oppa?"

He smiles brightly and nods his head. "Yep, but you like it when I tease you," he says. "I can tell."

You shake your head and continue typing on your keyboard.

Aish...That boy. He needs to learn when to stop.

You like? ;)))

Sorry it was so short :'(
I hope you liked it

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