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**combined 2 requests**
Friends' names:

You stepped back and wiped hot tears from your cheeks. "I'll be back soon. I'll be famous and I'll mention you in all my speeches, okay ____?" Seungri's lips twitched into a sad half smile. "See you soon."
He got into the back of a YG van and waved his goodbye. A goodbye that would be remembered for nine years and would only be visualised as a blank spec descending father down a long road you called your childhood.

But that was nine years ago. When you and Seungri used to go to school together and play in the streets until the lights illumined the sky instead of the sun. He then suddenly decided at age sixteen that he would be leaving to be a trainee at YG. You on the other hand, continued on with your life and worked in your own cubicle as a business woman in Seoul.

Yeah, you watched him blow up, become a man and settle into the celebrity life. Never did he once mention you in a speech, come back home or back in town-- then again he wouldn't find you there anyway. You live in Incheon now and own your own house in the city.

It didn't matter anyway, you eventually forgot your childhood relationship with him and lived a happy life with few boyfriends along the way.


"___, you ready yet? We're gonna be so late."

You chuckle at your friends as you taint your lips a bright red colour. "Isn't that the point of clubs? To be late?"
"Fashionably late."
You look at your black dress in the full body mirror in front of you.

"Alright I'm ready, let's go."

Without another second to pass you quickly grab your phone and head out the door. "Who's driving?"
"Not it."

Both girls in their tight dresses, run to the back seat and wait for you to finish walking down the stairs. "That's not fair. You guys know I can't run in heels."

A heavy sigh escapes past your lips as you get in the driver's seat of Minah's car and get handed the car keys. "To the club!"
Amber yells excitedly. "To the cluuuub!"


"Yah! ____! You're done dancing already?" Amber steps out of the bouncing croud and stands by your side. You're seated in a wooden bar stool with a drink in your hand. "I'm so tired, we've been dancing in these heels all night."

"That's the point ____. Now get up and come dance with us!"
She takes your hand in hers and waves it around in the air, leading you inside the swarm of sweaty dancing bodies.

Minah smiles at the sight of you and encourages you to dance wildly. With your friend by your side you three grind, twirl, and laugh until suddenly someone bumps into your back roughly.

"What the hell?"

You turn around to see a brunette staring at you with wide eyes. His muscle shirt loosly hanging on his body sends your eyes up his chest to his apologetic face. "Sorry," he stutters shyly. "I didn't mean to--"

"Its fine, no big deal." You smile warmly at him and turn around to meet Amber's brown eyes. She stares at you for a brief moment before quickly pulling you close. Her voice is filled with shock as she and Minah squeeze onto your arms. "Oh my God! That was Seungri you just touched backs with!"
"You just talked to Seungri!"

You stare at them utterly baffled at what they had just screamed into your ears. "Seungri?"

No way. He's gone. He's famous and wouldn't even think about going to an ordinary club in Incheon.

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