Roaming (TOP,YB) *request*

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Imagine, you're laying in bed almost asleep when suddenly you feel roaming hands allover your body



You wink an eye open as soon as you feel a hand make it's way from your back and to your stomach. His fingers lift up your shirt to feel your smooth skin along his. At first you giggle but stop when his hand slowly traces a path lower down your thigh.

"Seung Hyun," You warn, but he shows no sign of stopping.

Your hand slaps over his, keeping it from moving any further. "Seung Hyun! What are you doing?" You yell so loudly that he jumps, startled, before snatching back his hand.

"Why are you yelling? Is something wrong?" He pushes himself farther away from you since his chest was pressed against your back.

You blink.

"What do you mean is something wrong? Why were you rubbing allover me like that?" Slightly annoyed and confused as to why he was being like this so late in the night, you glare at him, a sign that means you're serious and are not in the mood to play around.

Almost instantly Seung Hyun sits up, his hair way out of place. "What are you talking about." His voice hoarse and deeper than usual, " I was sleeping."

This time you sit up. "If you were sleeping then...? What were you dreaming about?"

He adverts his eyes, looking in every direction but yours.

"Seung Hyun," You say as his cheeks turn a light pink.

Finally you understand. If he was touching you like that in his sleep then his dream must have been at least a little bit explicit. Almost as abrupt as a scream in the middle of the night, you burst out in laughter, toppling over so you're laying down on your side.

"Let's not talk about this please." He whines, snatching up a pillow and shoving his face in it. "Yah, I'd never think you would be the one to have dreams like that!"

He whines before falling back down beside you, "Jagi please."


Youngbae is usually known to be the shy one around girls, but not with you, so having him sleeping so close to you was no big deal, until you felt him touch you so suddenly that you couldn't help but jump a little.

"Babe not now, I'm tired," You voice drags along as you turn your back to him. Without a word his hand moves to you sides, up to your s .

"DONG YOUNGBAE!" You push away the sheets and sit up, "I said stop!" As you look at him you realise that his eyes are closed.

"Stop pretending you're asleep I know you hear me."

No response.

"Babe?" You call again. This time you hear a snore coming from the man next to you.

Your body slowly leans over his, looking down at his smooth face, eyes shut and mouth slightly opened. "You're actually sleeping..." You whisper as you touch the sensitive spot on his neck. Usually it would send him either moaning or laughing childishly (depending on the situation), but now, he's completely silent with only his soft snore finally able to be heard. "Oh my God."

"Hm?" Suddenly he opens his eyes, wincing at the light coming from the window. "What are you doing there?" He chuckles staring up at you suspiciously. You open your mouth to say something but nothing comes out. "I"

"Why are you so close to my face?I hope you don't do this every night because this is seriously creepy."

"Creepy?!" You yell as you sit up straight furrowing your brows. "You want to know what's creepy? Waking up to your boyfriend feeling you up at night!"

Youngbae moves his head farther down the pillow away from you. "I what?"

"Yeah." You smirk. "I felt it."

"Wait what, how did you..? I'm not still dreaming am I?"

Your jaw drops. "What do you mean still dreaming? YOU WERE DREAMING OF US HAVING SEX?!"

"No!" He lies but immediately fails. "I mean, yes, but I didn't mean for you to- aish" He closes his eyes, his hand covering his face in disappointment. "I can't believe this is happening."

A smile spreads across your face. "As much as I'm upset about this, it's actually really funny."

"Jagi, shut up!" He laughs before covering his head with a pillow. "This is so embarrassing!" You hear his muffled voice yell. You laugh again, covering your mouth so he wouldn't hear.

"I hate everything...," He mumbles. "Everything."


I actually thought this was a cute request so yeah, although the person who requested it asks to be anonymous, I hope you enjoy Tabi and Bae being handsy ;)

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