Taeyang ft. BigBang

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Shout out to all the cuties that actually read my notes in the beginning and end of my stories, ily and I appreciate you guys so much

"Babe." YoungBae's husky voice whispers over your unconscious body. He kisses your cheek. "Wake up, come on."

You turn your head in the other direction, face now covered in rays of sunlight seeping through your window. "Ugh~!" You groan.
"Good morning!" He immediately smiles down at you and nuzzles his head in your neck. "Mmm," you reply too tired to even open your eyes and greet him properly. "You ready?"

Winking one eye open to look at him, you turn for head. "For?"
YoungBae kisses your cheek and sits back up. "The music video recording."

Suddenly your body springs up off the matress and straight to your dresser.
"Oh my gosh!"


After fininshig the thrid day of MV filmings, you and the rest of BigBang are invited over to Daesung's house for an after party. Seung Hyun brought alcohol while you and YoungBae came empty handed. "Should I get fancy cheeses then?" You ask after a few glasses of red wine.

SeungHyun nods.
"Let me go with you."
"No, its fine. I'll be right back."
YoungBae watches you walk over to the front door and slip on your shoes. "I love you."
Smiling, you walk over to him and kiss his smooth cheek. "I love you too, I'll be back soon.

Quickly you leave the house and find yourself at the nearest store in minutes. "Thank you," you smile towards the cashier and take your bag of expensive cheese and meat.

You push the door open, stepping out into the street to go find you car. With the windows down and warm air running through your hair, your make your way back.


Light footsteps find themselves to the group of boys asleep on couches and chairs. They are all sleeping; and in strange positions too. SeungHyun has his arm wrapped around Daesung's body while Jiyong's head rested on SeungHyuns stomach. YoungBae's still in the same place you last saw him. His mouth slightly open and head tilted back. An empty glass barely held in his hand dangles by faith. "Wow."

Seungri suddenly tilts his head (which is using YoungBae's lap as a pillow), and snorts loudly in his sleep. You bite down on your lip.
Don't laugh. Don't laugh.

Taking in a deep inhale and exhaling quietly, you immediately tiptoe away from the group and find blankets stored away in a closet. Quickly and quietly, you slide cups out of their hands, put blankets on their bodies and move their heads to a more comfortable position.

You definitely have done this before. And over time you learned that Jiyong likes his head to be tilted to the left, and Daesung liked a blanket to cover his body because he felt the cloth feels nice against his skin. Seungri on the other hand had a certain position so he wouldn't snore, and you made sure to position him that way everytime.

You already slept next to YoungBae so his sleeping habits were a norm to you, but SeungHyun-- he would look so mean when he woke up that you were scared to see him every time they had "sleepovers." So this is where you kissed YoungBae goodnight, and pulled yourself to the guestroom only a hall and a few doors away. With a bag of snacks in your hand and a freshly poured glass of wine, you make your way to the room and close the door,
Just like you do every other time.


Idk even know what I just wrote HahaHAHHhahhHHahA

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