T.O.P Arguement

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"야! Get back here!"
Seung Hyun pulls you back by your forearm with anger firing in his eyes. "Get off of me!" You yell, snatching your arm back before storming off to your bedroom. "Leave me alone!"
As you shut the door to your bedroom he starts banging on it with his fists. "Open the door,___!"

"Go away, you bastard!"

Your hands full your ___ hair into a bun to keep your mind occupied. As he continues to yell at you to let him in, you pace the room and press your fingers into your scalp. "I can't believe you fucking cheated on me."

"I didn't cheat on you!" His deep voice roars from the other side of the door. "Seung Hyun you had sex with someone while you were drunk!"

He sighs and pulls on his short brown hair. "It's not how you think," he says. "I didn't want it."

"Then why did you do it!"

"I had no idea of what I was doing!" He yells angrily. You hear him mutter something under his breath before he begins stuttering his next sentence. "You know I love you. You know how much you mean to me, why do you think I did it on purpose?"

You shut your eyes and take in a deep breath. If it wasn't for him you wouldn't have found out he cheated anyway. He was the one who told you that he made a mistake in the first place.

"Oppa." You say,"I want to believe that you didn't, I really do."

"But?" He says.

You carefully open the door and see him sitting on the floor with his back against the end of the couch. He looks up with wide eyes and immediately pushed himself off from the ground.

"I don't know."

Seung Hyun places his hands on your shoulders and looks in to your eyes. "What do you mean you don't know?"

You turn your glance away from his and sigh. "I don't know if I can still trust you."

He trips over his words shakily. "What are you talking about, ____?"

You swallow keeping your eyes on the illuminating lamp behind him. "Are you saying-?"

"Seung Hyun, please..."

His eyes drag down as he loosens his grip from your shoulders. "Should we...break up?"

With both of your eyes watering over, you glance up at his face and part your lips to speak. "I'm sorry."

He stares into your pupils and chuckles in disbelief. "That's it then."

"Five years," he sighs, his fingers running through his hair. "It's over."

"All of it."


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