YoungBae (ft. GD)

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With careful procedures and endless weeks of planning, YoungBae finally figured out how to scare Jiyong successfully. First he would sneak up behind him and carefully, very carefully, drag his hand down his back so faintly that goosebumps would disperse along his skin like a silent scream. But there's one problem.

YoungBae needs to sneak into Jiyong house without a sound to be heard. And knowing Jiyong, there's no way he would make it in without having the detailed songwriter hear a creak from the front door of his mansion sized house. Yet, the older man challenges himself to sneak in with only a pincode and the infamous secret of tiptoeing.

Just as YoungBae presses in the code to the near obvious password a loud yawn is heard from the living room. He's home.

YoungBae's toes barely press against the tile entrance before passing the kitchen and to the source of endless yawning. The soft purring of Jiyong's cat makes him certain that  he's home.

He then crouches behind a wall, peeking over at the outline of Jiyong in a  familiar black hoodie. YoungBae crawls on the floor slow as a turtle towards his glorious awaited pray. His dark brown eyes follow the silhouette of the hoodie, watching it inhale and exhale as if it was being pulled from strings in the ceiling.

All of the sudden YoungBae springs up from the floor and drags his hands over Jiyong's chest and shoulders. "Yah!" He laughs only to have a moment of triumph be interrupted by a blood curdling high pitched scream of...a girl?

The girl screams after jumping two feet out of her skin. "Oh my God! Who are you? What are you doing in my house?!"

YoungBae yelps out in horror himself, he hadn't felt the flat chested Jiyong when he pounced; he felt boobs.  After stumbling back onto the floor, shocked and disoriented YoungBae watches as you turn around with your arms covering your chest.

You scoff. "Y-YoungBae oppa?"

"____? I'm sorry I thought you were Jiyong! I didn't mean to-"

"How the hell did you even get in?"

"Well the password is pretty easy its just his birthday." He says nonchalantly. "I've planned this for a while actually."

You raise an eyebrow at him. "You planned on breaking into our house?"

"I planned on-" he suddenly stops talking as a cat purrs and rubs its body on his leg. "Go away, not right now." Although YoungBae loves animals and hated shooing away his best friends cat, he needed to set this straight. "I planned on  scaring Ji but...I didn't know you were here."

You nod silently, unresponsive to his strange goal for the night.  "Oppa I think that we shouldn't tell Jiyong of the..."

"Yeah. Let's not tell him about this."

"Anyway I think you should go."
"Yeah," he says awkwardly, his hands pressing against his thighs. "I'll leave now."

"See you tomorrow." You say, holding back laughter from his distinct behavior.

"You too. Oh and, let's pretend this never happened."

You chukle and wave him goodbye "Okay. Lock the door when you leave."

He turns away and heads towards front door "Got it."


:o Youngbae, these lovely girls are dating Jiyong keep your hands to yourself! YO THE CONCERT WAS SO AWESOME, if you want to see video you can go to my Instagram page @fromt.o.p I HAD REALLY GOOD SEATS AND MET SOME REALLY NICE VIPS. If you read my fact book you should know how passionate I am about Daesungie, and I started crying so hard when he sang Wings. I was so emotional. He really is such an angel. Overall the concert was THE BEST.

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