Imagine....(Taeyang) *smut*

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Imagine you find out Taeyang is...


idek where to start with this bruh like the prompt was...interesting


After getting released early from work your decided to come straight home to surprise YoungBae.

"Babe, I'm home!" You smile as you open the door to your apartment to see something you never thought you would see.

YoungBae, with his hands pushing away from his seat, pulls away from a passionate kiss with a girl who's sitting on top of him. You try to move your legs so you can run out, hoping this is just a dream or some messed up prank, but you couldn't. Your heart feels like it has stopped beating and your eyes are suddenly overflowing with emotion. "What the hell?" You squeak, barely able to even finish your sentence.

Immediately the girl turns back and sees you glaring right at her. Her lipstick is smeared, and her eyes are wide with shock. You clenched your jaw and your fists turning your knuckles a pale white. "____ I can explain."

Without a word, the girl moves off of him and runs past you before closing the front door with a loud slam. As much as you want to yell at him, you can't. You were still processing what you had just seen.

Hot tears stream down your cheeks and all you can do is stare at him. Stare at the emptiness in his eyes as he slowly walks up to you.

"____ , please let me explain." He looks down at you and tries to reach your hand but you snatch it back. "Don't touch me!"

You quickly wipe your cheeks and turn to storm out of the room.

But he stops you.

YoungBae grabs your arm and pulls your wrist. "Listen to me, I didn't know she was going to do that. She came on to me, I promise!"

"So you're just going to let her sit on top of you and kiss you!" Your throat burns with anger as you scream at the top of your lungs. He just stares at you. "Tell me," you stutter. "Do you love her?"

He looks down at your saddened face blankly, his voice soft as he speaks. "What?"

Again you repeat your question, this time with a shaky voice and tears. "Do you love her more than you love me, YoungBae?"

"You just heard me say that she came on to me and you're asking if I love her?" He scoffs letting go of your wrist.

You go up to slap him but he catches your hand and holds it to his chest. He pushes you up against the wall and screams, "Really?! If there's anyone I love it would be you!"

He pushes you closer to the wall so you could look into his brown eyes. Immediately you crumble underneath him.

"What the fuck don't you understand?" He whispers, staring down at you before closing his eyes and pressing his forehead against yours. You let out a shaky sigh, his heartbeat thumping loudly within the walls of your eerily silent apartment. As angry as you were, you could feel his sincerity. "I would never do that to you, (y/n)" He says, a tinge of anger lingering in his voice. You nod, swallowing hard, and glance up at his fearful brown eyes. Hesitantly you pull your face away from his and glance at his swollen pink lips. Youngbae caresses your cheek, lifts your chin and leans in to give you a kiss. At first, you're reluctant, but then you give in. Slowly your kisses turn from soft and sweet to harsh and lustful. "Youngbae..." You mutter between breaths, half aware of your hands creeping across his body. 

He hikes your leg up gently, wrapping it around him while simultaneously pulling his pants down halfway. YoungBae lifts up your skirt and slides your underwear to the side.

And with one swift motion he buries himself in you and growls, "This is what I want, This is all I want, I love you." He delves into you over, and over again, tugging at your hair so your head tilts back and he attacks your exposed neck. Leaving wet kisses and groaning into the side of your collar, he kisses up to your ear and whispers, "Tell me you believe me."

You keep silent, digging your nails into the cross tattoo on the side of his body causing him to moan in your ear.
You whimper not letting him hear your answer so he pulls back and thrusts hard between each word. "Tell. Me. You. Believe. Me."

He moans and stares at you with your forehead pressed against his. The innocence in his eyes are no longer there and is replaced with lust and anger, a side of him you've never seen before.

You bite your bottom lip to keep from showing him how much you wanted to scream out in pleasure, but continued to grind into you over and over, sending your nerves way over the edge. Unable to keep it in anymore, you moan his name louder than you ever had before.

"I don't want to hear that, I want to hear you tell me that you believe me."

His lips brush against your skin until he reaches where your neck and shoulder meet. With a gentle bite, he whispers again, "Tell me you believe me."

You feel a knot tighten in your core. "Fuck."

Turning your head away from him, he exhales hard against your lips.

"Fucking look at me! Tell me you believe me!" He yells, suddenly pushing into you much harder, causing you to obey him helplessly.
Without letting another second pass you moan loudly with your back arched against the cold wall, "Okay I believe you!"

He then picks up your other leg, holding you up with his strength as he slams your against the wall with his final thust. You both sink to the floor in each others arms before he kisses your head lightly. His hand lifts your chin so you could look at him in the eyes. "No one but you."


But HOW ABOUT THE WHOS NEXT TEASER PAPA YG LET OUT? GUYS I SWEAR ITS BB DHJkfjsjjfnfJJfjjsk IF NOT I'LL JUST THROW BB LIGHTSTICKS AT HIM UNTIL HE LET'S THEM COMEBACK...I just hope they're happy and don't overwork themselves... Anyway. Thanks for checking in!

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