Museum of T.O.P

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**tons of cuteness**

"LOOK!" Seung Hyun yells as he tugs at your sleeve, pulling you over to the same deer you've seen many times before.

"This is the the deer you used in-"

"We used this deer in the Bae Bae MV!"

A sigh escapes your lips. He's doing it again. Getting overly excited because of art. Yeah, you liked going to the museum with him- you loved it in fact. Watching him smile at pieces was definitely more precious than a Greek sculpture you can see any other time. But today he is going crazy. He tugs at you every two seconds, forcing you away from something you've only managed to look at for less than a minute.

All you want to do is go back to the oil paintings, those are your favourite. Somehow the artists always seemed to capture a beautiful sense of sadness in all their works. It's amazing.

"Jagi, come here!" Seung Hyun calls before turning towards you, his brown hair falling over his face lightly. This is probably the only time he hasn't had his hair up in those weird spikey things he calls "twists". They kinda remind you of churros, which lead you both to going out to get some late one night.


You chuckle to yourself and walk over to him. He pulls you closer to his sidde before taking a picture with his phone. "Isn't she beautiful?"


"Her legs...and damn, her arms. It's like she was carved out of the hand of God."

You stare at him unsure of whether to be afraid that he would cheat on you with a chair, or afraid of the fact that he looked at it the way you look at pizza. Maybe both.

"Yeah," You say. "I guess."


"He's actually very popular in America. I decided to blah blah blah."

You aren't actually paying attention to him, more like nodding along trying hard not to drive into something with him talking to you endlessly. "Seung Hyun I love you more than the you can imagine, but could you please be quiet you're distracting me."

"Oh," He says, smiling to himself because he knew that you meant it. "Sorry."

As you continue to your long drive home Seung Hyun decides to plug in the AUX cord. At first it's all good, his eyes are pasted on his iPhone; it's a smooth, silent drive with soft music until-


Immediately a smile spreads across your face. This is the loudest he's been all day, and his chooming levels get high with this song. Seung Hyun starts dancing in his seat, rapping in the most silly way possible. He rolls down all four windows allowing your (h/c) hair to flow freely. "MEOMCHUJI ANNNEUN TTEUGEOUN YEONGHON~!"

He wiggles around, his hand sticking out the window feeling the chilled air of Seoul brushing against his fingers.

After a while the song ends and you are still on the road when you notice he took a picture of the highway in front of him. "Who are you sending that to?" You joke, totally not expecting him to answer.

He grins and pulls his phone closer to him. "Secret."

You glance to your side at him."Really? If you're sending that to Jiyong he'll yell at you for leaving the city."

His thin pink lips curl into an evil smirk, "I know."

"Fine," You say with a plan lingering in your mind, waiting to be put to use. "Let's stop by Dunkin' Donuts. I'm craving something sweet."


Laying in bed, staring up at the ceiling, you count sheep as Seung Hyun snores softly by your side. An hour past midnight and his phone is still lighting up with notifications. You cut your eyes at his phone.

Should I?

Slowly you lean over his sleeping body and grab his phone. You slide past the same lockscreen he's had for weeks of you and BigBang at Taeyang's house for a small celebration. When you unlock his phone with his useless password (1111), you smile and stare at the silly wallpaper.

It's a selfie of you and Seung Hyun that you took earlier at the museum. You're both making faces. Seung Hyun's eyebrow's raised, his left eye winking at the camera childishly. You do the same, only a peace sign adorns your right eye.

After a few minutes of searching for Instagram (you found out that it was the source of all the notifications), you look at his feed. Endless pictures of furniture and art that you are sure he's made you go see with him. Then his selfies, all of them, a silly face different from the last. Trying hard not to laugh and wake him, you scroll up to his recent uploads.

A picture of the highway is the first thing you see. Then your hand. Then your books. Your sketch books, psychology books and journal all in one picture. Surprised, you scroll down more to find pictures that he took while you two went on dates.
Photos of your wine glasses, dinner, and random selfies of him and the boys were most of them.

Maybe I should...
No. That's too mean. But he looks so cute...

You go to the camera and lean closer to Seung Hyun's face. Zooming up to his closed eyes, you take the picture and caption it "".
Seconds after, comments show up with laughing emoji's and questions asking if he was going to spam again.
You smirk. Maybe he should spam again.

This time you take a picture of his lips. Then his hands and ear.
"Oppa is this your version of fan service?" One girl comments with heart eyes and a smile.

You glance over at him. Well oppa doesn't really know he's doing this, you think to yourself feeling a tiny bit guilty. But come on, at least now you're both even. After one more picture of his eyebrow, you set his phone down and stare at his face.

"Oh Seung Hyun," you say as you brush his hair behind his ear. "You're in for a surprise tomorrow morning."

"Yah!" You hear a voice laugh over you. Your eyes wink open, cautious to your surroundings. "You posted pictures of me sleeping?"

He chuckles and lays back down next to you, pulling you close so your head rests on his chest. Strong arms wrap around you so you're able to see his phone too. "This picture is my favourite."

He uses his thumb to point to the photo of his lips. "If you look closely, you can see my drool."

You laugh. "That's why I took it, so your fans see how a wild bingu acts when he sleeps. "
He smiles at you and kisses your forehead. "Yeah well that doesn't give you an excuse to take pictures of me."

You lift your head and cut your eyes at him, a smile tugging at your lips. "But you can take pictures of me?"

He sits up and kisses you without warning. "That's just it," he says.

"I take pictures of things I find beautiful."


Waaaaaah :') that was so cute
I got so bored so I decides to make a longer imagine, do you guys like it?
Thank you all sooooo much for your support, I'll work hard to keep up with updates! Thank you!

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