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"Are you done?" Jiyong asks as soon as you step out of the studio and into the empty hallway. Pushing his body of the wall with his foot and wraps his arm around your shoulder. "Yeah."

With a water bottle in your hand you take a sip as he leads you to the cafeteria. You're both finally done with song recordings and can actually go hangout for once. "Let me just tell YoungBae that I'll be home later."

His arms uncoils from your side. Jiyong walks down towards YoungBae who sits down with Ailee in front of him. They're having a conversation over pizza and sodas that made them burst out in unintended burps. It's obvious he likes her back, but they're both too shy to sat it.

When Jiyong comes back he takes smiles at you warmly. "Let's go. Anywhere you'd like to eat?"

You nod, "There's this new cafe down the street?"

His hand extends to open the door for you. "Let's do it."
Nowadays he's seemed to smile more, maybe its because of his girlfriend. You don't mind for her, she's nice and she makes him happy that's all you knew.

After walking a few blocks you enter the shop and immediately glance around the beautiful scenery. Dark wooden furniture adorns the room, making it have a much classier aura.
"Do you know what you want?" He asks, brown eyes meeting yours with that wide gummy smile of his.


He grins. "I knew you would say that."
Soon enough after choosing his meal, he orders at the cash register. "Let me pay," he says when you both take out your credit cards at the same time. "No it's fine, Jiyong please."

He looks at you, giving you the most threatning glare. "Fine." You say, rolling your eyes at him before finding a place to sit near a clear glass window. Once he comes back with a try in his hands, he sets it down in between you both.

You talk for a while. Munching on your meals between conversations until it because completely silent. The only noise you hear is the quiet café chatter around you, but that didn't matter, you are too busy plucking the bacon out of your sandwich.

"There's something I need to tell you." Jiyong's face suddenly turns blank. His lips are pulled tight as your eyes meet. Is he actually...nervous?

Dropping the cloth napkin you wiped your mouth with in your lap, you at him curiously. "What is it?"

Jiyong takes in a deep inhale. His eyes avoiding yours. "Ji? Come on you can tell me anything."

He sighs, and props his head up with his elbow. The heel of his palm pressing against his forehead. "I broke up with *girl's name* last week."

With eyes widened and jaw opened wide, you quickly apologise. "Oh my gosh, Jiyong, I'm so sorry."

"Yeah," he says biting his bottom lip. "She was cheating on me."

Your hand comes up to cover mouth in shock. What hell?
"Well are you okay?" You practically stutter. What are your even supposed to say in this kind of situation?

"Actually, a few days before we broke up, I realised I had feelings towards someone else."


Finally looking up at your caring (e/c,) eyes, Jiyong takes a sip of the caffeinated drink by his side. "What I wanted to tell you was that the person I developed feelings for,... Is you."

At first you chuckle and shake your head. "You really had me there, Ji." You laugh but he just stares are you like a confused dog with his head tilted to one side.
Slowly your laughter comes to an abrubt end. "You're serious?"

He nods. "I was actually hoping you'd like me back, but clearly this was a bad idea." Suddenly he stands up from the table, his cheeks rosy from pure embarrassment. "Wait!" You yell after he quickly zooms past the front doors.

His body weaves through crowds of people leaving you to trail behind almost stumbling over yourself. "Jiyong!"

"Jiyong!" You scream but he doesn't stop even when you both turn onto a pedestrian free sidewalk. You sigh.
"Oppa wait!"

He stops in his tracks. Back still facing your direction, you clear your throat and shut your eyes tight. "Oppa I like you too!"

Jiyong slowly turns on the heels of his white Nike sneakers. "Really?"
His hands cling to pockets of his dark coloured jeans as you open your moth to answer.

"Yeah," you say. "I really like you."

The world suddenly freezes. Cars stop moving. The trees dancing in the wind pause their rustling leaves. Everything feels timeless.

Without a word. You both just stand there. Feet away from hugging. Feet away from running up to him and telling him how much you admired him from the beginning.

Feet away from telling him that you actually love him.

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