Daesung Loser

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He stares at his broken reflection in a shattered mirror. With fists balled tight, blocking his face as he lets out a yell and swings at his glass clone.
Again Daesung swings his knuckles at the mirror, a crack splitting down his face as tears trail down his cheeks. His breathing becomes harder and he suddenly drops his fists to his side.

Angry sobs burst from his lips as he curses and kicks his boots into the remaining pieces of glass. He wipes his face with the sleeve of his thick camouflage jacket, sniffling with tears stinging his eyes. After staring at himself for minutes in complete silence Daesung finally moves away from the corner I his house and quickly runs to the kitchen.

He whips open drawers, pulling out utensils until he nearly breaks all the cabinets. His hands rummage through each of them until he finally pulls out a knife sharp enough to sever a head.
As he pulls the weapon from its place, he stares at his reflection in the shining metal piece.  Just as he looks up from his shaking hands, you open the front door and freeze in your place.

"Daesung oppa; what are you doing?"
His fingers immediately release the object from his loose grasp before he runs straight into your arms. His shaky breathing quivers from his chest to his parted lips. "I'm sorry!" He cries, his arms wrapped around yours as he clings to the back of your sweater. "I'm sorry." He repeats. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry..."

"It's okay, Daesung. I'm here."
You run your hands over the back of his head, smoothing out his hair until you manage to calm him down to a sniffle. "Oppa please, stop crying. It's okay. It's over."

You repeat your last sentence until finally you pull away and look in to his watery brown eyes. "Daesung."

Your hand runs over his cheek. "It's over, okay?"
He nods, his eyes staring down at you until you spread your lips into a wide smile. "Stop crying, Dae. Smile."

Slowly his saddened expression parts into a small grin. "That's the Daesung I know."
As he looks down into your ___ eyes, you glance over at the wounds on his neck. Staring at them before reaching your hand up to examine them more. Slowly, he turns his head to the side and allows you to graze your fingers along his skin. "Oppa..."

"Don't." He says. "I'm fine."
He places his hand over yours and pulls you away from his neck. "Don't worry about me, it was just a mistake."

You sigh and pull a white scarf from your pocket. "Daesung-ah."
Gently your fingers place the white fabric around his neck, tying it loosely until it's covered his wounds. 

"Oppa, promise me you won't try to hurt yourself again."

His eyes advert to the oil painting behind you. "Promise me, Daesung."

His quiet voice barely manages to be heard. "I promise."

"Promise me you won't hurt yourself again."

With your hands holding on to both sides of his face, he silently glances up at your worried expression. "I promise, I won't hurt myself."

You smile and run your hands over his shoulders and chest until you quietly whisper to him. "I love you, Daesung."

His soft lips press against your forehead before pulling you in to a tight embrace. "I love you too, ____. I always will."


I've had so much happen this weekend I'm so sorry
Someone shot a gun into my window and I've become an aunt again all in one day, please forgive me because I'm still a bit shaken up so this chapter is all out of wack :((  please go vote for BigBang for MaMa, we're loosing to EXO in the Best Group category! VIP's let's vote for our Kings! Fighting!

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