Daesung *SMUT*

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*smut smut smut*

Daesung is upset because his promotions take most of your time together so when you come home late from work he looses it and wants the booty


"Where were you?" A voice yells as soon as you open the door. "You didn't answer your phone!"
You slide your shoes off and drop your purse on the table. With a calm voice you make your way towards him, "My phone died, I was going to call you but-"

Daesung glares at you, daggers threatening your next words. "First you're having late shifts and now you can't even tell me where you are?" His voice rises to a point that you've never heard. Slowly he walks towards you, muttering words under his breath that were clear enough to understand, but impossible to make out even if you tried. "I was so fucking worried."
He gets closer so you take a step back--but he continues to move forward. "Daesung I swear I meant to call you, I just was so busy I-"

"Shut up."

A gasps escapes past your lips when your back suddenly bumps against the bedroom door. Your eyes follow his every move up until he's close enough to have his breath fall down on you. Your chests feel so compacted together that you're scared to even breathe.
"Daesung..." You stutter with his glare burning down at you.

As you plead for him to move back and let you explain, he suddenly opens the door behind you and forces you inside using only his body. "Dae, please!"

"Do you know," he begins, slamming the door shut behind him and pushing you onto the bed, his muscular body crawls over yours. "How worried I was?"

His lips suddenly crush against yours. "I was so worried ____."
You try to move away but his grasp around your waist is too strong. "Oppa please-"

He kisses you softly on the side of your neck, sending a soft moan from your lips and in to the still air. "Let go..."

With legs on either side of your body, and his weight heavy on your torso, his fingers begin to unbutton your white dress shirt to reveal a black bra. You start to protest but he shushes you by kissing down your bare chest and to the very top of your black pencil skirt with his full lips. "Where's the zipper?"

Daesung moves off of you so you could pull off the constrictive material. His eyes follow your finger as you slowly pull it down to reveal matching lace underwear. He bites his bottom lip as you silently get thrown back down on the bed under him. "Why are you doing this?"

He pulls off his shirt revealing his built chest, core, and upper arm muscles. You try hard not to reach up and kiss him, but because he was so angry you decide to let him have his way. First he pulls off your bra and panties. Then his pants before tossing them off to the side and making his move. "Because of these stupid promotions I've been wanting to come home to you so bad everyday. But now that you're working so late I have no choice but to force you to give me what I want."

He runs a finger down your as his lips kiss your inner thighs. "That still doesn't explain why you're so mad at me!" You manage to say as your pulsating sends waves of lust throughout your body. Through gritted teeth he positions his face between your legs and growls, "Just shut up and do as I say."

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