Drunk G-Dragon

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"Hyung!" A voice slurs as soon as you put your phone up to your ear. "Hello?"

"Hyung come pick me up! I'm tired and Seungri keeps flirting with all the girls it's annoying."

You glance down at your iPhone to see Jiyong's name illuminating your screen. "Jiyong Oppa you called the wrong number."

"Eh? Hyung I can't hear you it's too loud! Pick me up at the club near Daesung's house."

Rolling your eyes and grabbing your keys, you get up from the couch and put on some shoes. "네."


"Jiyong where are you?" You say with the phone's microphone close to your mouth. You turn in every direction hoping to find standing with the other members, but instead, you find him laying down on a metal bench.
His hands are running the sides of his temples when you stand over his sore body.

"Hyung?" He croaks, squinting up at your disappointed face. "No, it's ____."

Jiyong immediately sits up with wide eyes, "you're not Seung Hyun." It's more of a question that he's yet to figure out. "I called Hyung, not you. Did he send you instead? 아이씨, I can't believe he sent the girl I like."

The girl I like?
You bite your bottom lip trying hard not to laugh. Does he even know that he said that out loud?

"Jiyong, let's go. I'll take you home."
You say as you grab onto his arm and help him into his feet. At first he stumbles and rubs the rope sideburns on his face until he regains his balance. "You know where I live right?"

You nod. "Yeah, I've been there before, Ji."

He sighs heavily before falling back into the passenger seat. Your hands drag the seat belt across his thin body causing him to smile up at up at you. "You're pretty up close."

Showing him your smile you nod a thanks. "Thank you, Jiyong. So I've been told."

"Do you like chicken, Unnie?" Jiyong watches you walk to the front seat before backing out of the parking lot.

Unnie? I'm at least a year younger than him.

Your eyebrows furrow as you turn onto a new street. "Yeah, I do. Why?"

"Because I'd like to take you out for dinner time. You, me, and a fat piece of steak. Sound good?"

"Sounds good," you laugh.
Thankfully your house is only a few streets away, so driving there goes by fast."Do you have the key?" He mutters, hicking loudly.

"Right here." You smile, pulling out the car keys and dangling them in his face. "Ah." After you walk out to his side, pull him from his seat and up to the front door, you bring him in and lay him in bed.

"Oh Ji, my poor baby," you whisper, your fingers brushing his dark hair out of his face. His eyes are shut as you speak, breathing soft and slow. You are sure he's fallen asleep.

"You have to stop forgetting that I'm your girlfriend when you're drunk. It's kinda sad."

As if he can hear what you're saying, he turns his head. "I'll see you tomorrow morning, alright?"
Jiyong flips his body over in response. Even though you know he can't hear you, you smile and tuck him under the covers.


If you guys sent me a request or a 'prompt' ;)) then it might be a while until they're published because I had prewritten scenarios so just give it some time

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