Hospital with TOP

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"Oww," You wince with your hands wrapped around your ankle. Your bag sits on the floor next to you in the puddle you had just slipped in.

"Yeah I- Are you okay? Jiyong, I'll call you later."

You look up at the man standing over your body. His black coat flutters behind him as he crouches down with concern flooding his eyes. "Are you alright? What happened?"

"My ankle...I slipped." You try standing up, but a shock running though your leg forces you back to the ground. "Here," He says as he drops his phone back into his pocket. "Let me get you up."

First he puts your bag over his shoulder and moves you closer to him. "What are you-"

Suddenly his strong arms pull you up bridal style as you rush to hang on to his neck. His shirt smells of tangy cologne and wine. Surely this man has got to be rich.

Quickly without a second to pass, he begins walking in a different direction you were going in originally.
"Where are you going?" Your voice shakes nervously as he suddenly quickens up his pace.

The man's dark hair brushes over his eyes as he turns the corner to a new street. He doesn't reply.

"Hello? Where are we- ahh!"

He suddenly begins running towards a building. The sign reads 'Hospital' in big red lettering as you approached close enough to see.

"Excuse me, she broke her ankle. Can she get checked up please?" He says loudly after storming into the half empty building.

Your mouth opens to speak at the woman who rushes to you both."I don't even know if it's actually broken."
The man's dark brown eyes glare down at yours. "Trust me, it's broken."

You stay silent and watch as the nurse calls men over to lay you down on a gurney. "Let me do it," he says, holding you as one of the male nurses tries to take you from his arms. Gently laying you down, he smiles reassuringly. "You're going to be fine, okay? I'll see you when you get out."
You give him a shy closed-mouth smile, "I didn't get your name?"

Lips curling into a smirk, he steps back, puts on dark sunglasses, and shoves his hands in his dress pant pockets. "That's because I didn't give it."

As soon as your ankle gets checked out by the doctor you come out with crutches under your arms. There's no way he could have predicted a broken ankle."It was very nice of your boyfriend to carry you to the hospital like that." The woman at the front counter speaks while typing your name into the computer.

"He's not my boyfriend." You chuckle and hand back the pen you used to sign check out papers with.

A deep familiar voice behind you speaks. "But you wish I were." Twirling around to look at the man taking off his sunglasses, your eyes widen in shock. "I didn't mean it like that."

The corners of his lips turn up as he walks next to you and smiles down at the worker in her seat. "I know. I was just messing with you. Excuse me but is there any way I would be able to pay for the expenses?"


"No, no it's fine I can pay for the hospital bill."

He watches your hand as you're about to grab his from signing a paper. "Please, let me. You're hurt enough as it is."

Your eyes squint at him. Glaring at his daring expression. "Fine. But its not because I need your help or anything, just because you're insisting."

"Umhm." He smirks.

You stare down at the light grey coloured cast on your foot until he taps your shoulder. "I'll see you, it's getting late."

"Wait," you say, stopping him from leaving with the end of your right crutch. "You should at least sign my cast."

His eyes search yours in fear.
Does she know who I am?


"Do you have a mark-"

He suddenly pulls a black Sharpie out of his pocket. "Uh, guess so."

Unexplainable questions race through your head. Who keeps a Sharpie in their pocket? And why won't he tell me his name?

What you don't know is that he keeps it there in case someone asks for an autograph. Which rarely happens in the everyday streets of New York.

"I'll put my name on the front so everyone could see."

"Your choice, John Doe."

He laughs wholeheartedly before quickly signing his name. From what you could see it looked quite beautiful and classy. You haven't seen such a nice signature since your college graduation.

"See you around then?" He says, standing to his feet and returning the permanent marker to it's original spot. "I guess, if I happen to slip in any more puddles on my way out of work."

He chuckles. "Then I'll see you around."

"Yeah, bye."

He was about to leave when suddenly, the question you forgot you were going to ask popped back into mind. "Wait! What's your name?"

The man adjusts his coat and warmly smiles with his eyes. "Look at your leg."

Look at my leg...?

You glance down at his name written in dying black ink. Choi Seung Hyun?
Immediately old memories flood your brain. "T.O.P!" You yell, but it's already too late. By the time you figured it out he was down the street with a grin from ear to ear.

"No way."

"What's wrong," a nurse waking by asks, the same one who tended to you when you entered. "He went to the same school as Korea. Seung Hyun was my ninth grade crush."

She sends you a puzzled look. "I thought you said you didn't know his name?"

You glance back down at his signature. "I just remembered it."

Yeeeah, hope you like it! Byee!

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