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"Credit or debit?" The cashier asks, popping her gum and twirling her hair with a pink painted finger. "Credit."

Seung Hyun pulls out his credit card from his leather wallet and watches as the girl punches in numbers into the machine. Her careless gaze moves up to take Seung Hyun's card from his fingers. "You'll get $11.45 back on your card. "

"Alright." His deep voice replies before she hands back the card and waves on to the next customer. "Next!"

"Oppa," you say, linking your arm around his while you both walk farther into the store. He shoves his hands in his pockets and raises an eyebrow at you. "Mm?"

"Can we look around?"

He glanced at the watch around his left wrist before adjusting his face mask and nodding silently. "Yeah tell me if you see anything you want."

As you both stroll arm in arm throughout the store, you keep your eyes glued on the section that read "Art Supplies."

"Oppa," you say, tugging on his khaki coloured coat. "Let's go over there."

"Art supplies?" He asks, following your pointed finger to keep along the isles. "Mhm."
After finding your way through various sections in the store, you reach your destination with an excited face.

Your pupils bounce after one acrylic paint go another. Each paint brush practically calling your name to be out in your shopping basket.

Immediately your arm uncoils from his and you skip down the isle straight to the sketching pencils.
"이거?" Seung Hyun says, walking up from behind you after you've taken a pack of graphites in your hand.

He looks down at your face, admiring your smile before realising he too was grinning ear to ear. "Is that it?"


"Let's go pay."

You smile up at him and spring behind him back to the cash register. This time you greet a man who's just about your age. He smiles at you cheekily, then exchanges looks with Seung Hyun who looks bluntly stern behind his mask. Quickly the cashier's gaze turns straight towards the register to ring up the item. "$7.25, he says, looking up at your ___ eyes.

"____," Seung Hyun calls, pulling down the white mask down his face to speak. "Do you want some candy? Chocolate?"

" 네!"

Seung Hyun snatches a few Hershey bars off the shelf and places them in front of the cashier. "This too for my girlfriend, please."

"Of course." He stutters, scanning each bar and placing them in a bag while you dart your eyes off of them. He's doing it again. Seung Hyun's giving the cashier a glare that he knew made him look unnecessarily scary. "That'll be 10.45, sir."

You swallow hard and watch Seung Hyun pull out his wallet. "Babe you want anything else?"

Babe. He doesn't call me babe unless he's jealous or seriously needy.

You shake your thought out of your head and reach for the shopping bag on the counter. "No thanks."

With small shaky voice, the cashier weakly smiles and speaks softly "Have a good night."

"Yeah," Seung Hyun mutters. "You too.

"What was that!" You laugh as soon as you two walk out into the parking lot. He chuckles, putting his face mask over his nose and mouth. "Nothing, forget it."

"Seung Hyun that wasn't nothing, you did that angry glare thing you do when Seungri eats the lunch I pack you."

He shakes your comment off and waits for you to unlock the car. "Hurry up I want to shower and go to bed." He whines. Your finger presses the button on the keys to unlock the passenger side door  "Yeah, yeah."

After being settled in the car, you start the ignition and turn on the radio. "Thanks for buying me the pencils,...and the chocolate."

"Hm? No problem. Anything for you."

As you turn the wheel on to the next street, Seung Hyun places his hand on your knee and squeezes gently. "If someone looks at you the way he did, then you tell them you have a boyfriend."

"But why would I just blurt that out?"

"Just do it. Also tell them that he's a rapper."


"It'll make me seem tougher."

"But Oppa-" you protest.

He looks out the window and loudly cuts off your denial. "Thanks, Jagi."

You roll your eyes and laugh at his request. "Sure, whatever."


So I guess I should tell you the surprise but let's wait until the next update, okay?

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